Maia Tournament 2/5

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"Lumina Espera, I cast." Alriz casted a spell from the classroom entrance to the other side of the room. "Now try to break this straight rod of light with Crimson maia from what you've learned on our lesson, latecomer step forward. You will initiate the activity." Daerel is a bit surprised but obeyed their professor, stands up from his seat and walk towards near the light. "Mini Meteora, I cast." Daerel casted his spell with his hand and ball of fire appears slowly going forward to the rod of light. Slowly going through but didn't break it then Alriz gestures Daerel to dispell it. "As you can see, you can't really break a Lumina spell even higher tier spell because the only way to destroy or break it is the exact opposite of Lumina which is the Void maia but for some reason residue of the void doesn't also know to do it since they lack intelligence. "

"But sir, from what the El Cantara's records says they have encountered an intelligent residue of the void." one student claims then Alriz nodded with respect. "Yes, I know that but what you are telling us is not one of the common variants. What I'm trying to say is, most residue of the voids doesn't know how to break Lumina spell with their own maia." Alriz then dispell his Lumina Espera and took out a jar from his bag. The jar has words sealing it as the contents is a compressed Void maia. "Here class, is the so called cursed maia which humans cannot really handle as the effects can affect once body. For example, a patriot knight by the name of Damiel Ladroft got hit by a spell made from Void maia. His control of maia become weak and his general health also weakens and to prevent him for further danger, he tasked by the general to rest from being a knight and go a clinic where he can replenish his energy as the curse sucks his life force day by day." Alriz explains and then lift the jar.

"Since, Daerel cannot break the Lumina spell, then so are you. That's why I will share a new kind of spell. Licensed by the Zulvian Maia Department, this will also change our lives but I am not the one who teach this spell directly to you. My only job is to discuss this with you. Understand?"

"Yes sir." most of the answers from the students. "This lesson will make us more advanced than the other kingdoms." Alriz added. "Ms. Nhari Mosra will continue the lesson." all the students are surprised to her sudden appearance as Nhari deactivated her cloaking spell. "Hello Nuevo Krystaliz class, today I will teach you the new spell, handed from Zulvian Maia Department. It is called Hand of the Void. Oh sorry, by the way I am Nhari Mosra, major in transportation and I am from Maniso town." Nhari vowed after her proper introduction.

And she discusses the spell that lasted 2 hours including the fundamentals and the right uses but with side effects of it then later on she wants all the students to have a bit of the void maia to make their body accepts the maia that is new to their body. From row one to up until the student after Azravael, "uh Ma'am? The jar is empty." a student complain. "What?! What do you mean its empty?" Nhari is as shocked as she could be that was shown to her expression. "Wh-what, how? It's a compressed Void maia. How it get depleted easily? Is there some kind of illusion from the jar?" Nhari seems breaking down as she is responsible for the distribution of the maia. "Hey, hey, calm down, Ms. Nhari. We can solve this as we are currently having an activity." Alriz butts in to calm the situation. Nhari sat down and still can't believe what is happening.

"Okay class. Stand up and each 5 seats will act as a group with designated leader." the students followed what Alriz have instructed and the noise rises then later on they stop. "We will do this outside, Ms. Nhari come with us."

The Nuevo Krystaliz class exits their room passing other classrooms where inside the academy are consisted of two categories, the solos and the multiples. Each category has class sections varying to their school year. Nuevo stands for primary, Xenna stands for secondary and Terra stands for tertiary level. As they're passing-by, Azravael saw Henrietta in Nuevo Diasint along with Viola and Gistrietch. Azravael notices that he can't find Lauro, May and Thoreau  but then he bumped at each other. The two smiled seeing Azravael again but Lauro is busy chatting to a higher level. After their mini-reunion, Azravael chase his class outside as he almost forgot about the activity. "Oh, how it is nice to be in multiples." Thoreau said. "But you're also a mutiples, why are you here in solos?" Lauro asked aggressively. "Hey tone it down, Lauro, Thoreau have been instructed by his parents to stay in solos for his own comfortabiliy." May responded.

The Nuevo Krystaliz are now outside with Prof. Alriz and Prof. Nhari. [Lumina Espera] had been casted again but with limited length, Alriz once again instructed his class to regroup.

The goal is to break the floating horizontal rod of light as a group by fusing all the void maia onto the chosen leader. The faster, the winner in Alriz's activity and will receive reasonable prize. First group to engage is where Daerel included in and he is voted as the leader. It took them 6 minutes to break the spell. The class applauded next is the 2nd group where the leader is known as Ghein who is previously introduced living in Novartis, they're group broke the spell in more than 8 minutes. 3rd to 9th group also succeeded on breaking the spell ranging from 3 to 7 minutes and lastly the 10th group where the leader is known to be a timid one and chose to be the last to engage. "Hey even you're the last to engage, you should also introduce yourselves. Oh and the leader will only do it." Alriz recall his instruction.

The timid student starts blushing out of embarrassment but then introduces her teammates and herself. "My name is Zettaya, my members are Akiro, Azravael, Hector and Linia." then the group proceed with the same method, fuse the void maia and release it. All of them expect a beam of void breaking the spell like what previous teams did but it didn't go as what they expected. Except the spell has been broken in seconds, it also hit a wall to a distant that even the roaming esquire patriots have startled.

Alriz jokingly catch Nhari's jaw as if it about to drop. The students went wild as to how Zettaya's team did it. The next thing happened is the class instructed to go back to their classroom. "This is new to me. Ms. Nhari, looks like the team who drain your jar are them." Alriz told Nhari and she nodded. The discussion continues then Alriz saitel orb release a gentle tune and a relaxing light then a voice can be heard. "The headmaster wants to have a chat with 5 of your students."

Alriz jokingly gestures to Zettaya like they're in trouble.


to be continued...

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