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"Hairy what smells funny??????? hahahahaha." i laughed.

while walking down the street about 15 hours ago, Harry pulled up next to me in a van, and threw me in the back while muttering "shut the fuck up you ugly fucking foot" and blindfolded me. I love when he does flirty surprises like this!

"its probably you. When's the last time you showered?" He asked me, while leading me where to walk, since i was still blindfolded.

"hmmm....i don't remember! " I said quietly....but i do remember.

{The winter of 1943 was cold...much like Taylor Swift's vagina. I lay in a tree top, looking over the stone sold land for the enemies to come and snatch me up like my ex girlfriend snatched my virginity. I looked to my right - my canteen was filled with my piss. I couldn't go down to the ground since the nazi's were after me.

Hitler sent them after me when he saw I copied his mustache.

I took the canteen and spilt it all over my body - my first shower in weeks. I shivered and smiled.

"Drink my piss, Adolf." my teeth chattered as i threw the canteen to the snowy ground beneath me.}

I shivered at the thought.

I heard a gate open and it shut behind us.

Harry took off my blindfold, revealing the surprise.

I was like :o , because i was in disbelief!

"welcum to ur new home, slut!" Harry said, pointing at the ran-down trailer.

my eyes filled up wit tears. "Hairy....dis is perfekt. i cnt #believe u did this 4 me."

He smiled, but dropped it after he remembered how ugly i was. "GET DOWN AND DO 600 PUSH UPS BITCH."

I got down and started working my triceps, with Harry sitting on my back.

"im sorry i did tht bby u no how easily i get angree!!" he licked my ear.

"its okay hairy, i 4give u." we walked inside.

I counted 13 cats on the couch be4 Paula deen walked into the room. She only wore a slice of cheese over her lady parts. i was like (-; but then harry pushed me.

"r u cHEATING ON ME U UGLY FUCKING SLORE." He pinched my wenis and tht made me cri.

"hairy staph pls" i cryed as he squeezed harder.

"HO CHI MIN STAPH" Paula deen sprung into action and tackled the girly looking boy with all her might. she took a cook book and started spanking him with it.

"have u lerned ur lesson ho chi min." she whispered

"y y y yy. yu y y y y y yu. yus" hairy cried, his body over her knees and his buttocks in pain.

paula pushed him off her lap and ran to jump out a window, to live back in the wild where she REALLY belongs.

"hairy r u ok" i asked, caressing his butt with my hand (-;

he swallowed, lookin up @ me. "nudez wuld make me feel bettur."

his eyes started i close - he wuz dying!!!!!

"oH NOZ" i said, grabbing my fone to send him nudez.

his fone buzzed - a kik notification from me. tht message held something very important - my nudez.

"pls wake up hairy." i poked his belly button sensually.

he opened hiz eyez. "gr8!" he said.

he slid his phone into his bra. "i'll save those 4 l8r." he winked.

i was like (-; and followed him int the kitchen.

"wats 4 dinn dinn." i asked.

"pu$$y." he was like (-; and i was like XD

"oh hairy. ur so funny. we're havin tuna" i said, lookin for fi$h.

wat a gr8 way to end the nite (-:

butter my rump - harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now