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Mors's POV

I could see the confusion etched on her face when I emphasized the word "angel," as if she was questioning whether we would cross paths again. A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I watched her from inside my car, her expression shifting to one of realization as she suddenly remembered her tardiness. Without hesitation, she quickly hopped on her bike and pedaled away.

"Soon, my Czarina," I murmured, the words rolling off my tongue like a promise. Everything was already in motion; I just needed to take one final step. Pulling out my phone, I called my trusted assistant, Nero.
"I'm going to attend Nexuz Academy," I commanded, "Make sure everything is ready."
"Yes, young master," Nero replied dutifully before I ended the call.

A smirk spread across my face as I leaned back in my seat, my mind already whirring with plans and possibilities.
I knew I couldn't scare my delicate flower with the full force of my desire, so I had carefully crafted this sweet approach.
By enrolling at her school and inserting myself into her daily life, I could gradually win her over, earning her trust and affection through my charm and attentiveness. It was a calculated move, but one I was confident would pay off in the end.

"Tomorrow, my angel," I whispered, my voice laced with anticipation, "We will meet again."
The thought of seeing her face light up with recognition, of being able to engage her in conversation and learn more about her, sent a thrill through me.

I would bide my time, slowly weaving myself into her life until she couldn't imagine a day without me by her side. And when the moment was right, I would make my move, claiming her as mine forever.

My fingers drummed against the steering wheel as I pulled out of the parking lot, my mind already racing ahead to the next phase of my plan. I would need to be careful, of course, to avoid arousing suspicion or making her feel pressured.
But with my charm and persistence, I was confident I could win her over, one step at a time.

As I drove home, my thoughts were consumed by her – her beautiful face, her captivating smile, the way she carried herself with a mix of grace and confidence. I couldn't wait to see her again, to learn more about her and to slowly but surely make her mine.

End Of POV

The night had fallen, casting a veil of darkness over the world, but for Mors, the night was a time of predatory focus. As he sat in his dimly lit room, the glow of multiple screens illuminated his face, his eyes trained intently on one image in particular – Seraphina, his angel, his Czarina.

She was completely unaware of his watchful gaze, blissfully unaware that a predator had set his sights on her. Mors leaned forward, his fingers twitching with the desire to reach out and touch her, to caress her soft skin and feel the warmth of her body against his own.

On the screen, Seraphina moved about her room, seemingly unaware of the eyes that followed her every move. Mors watched, transfixed, as she undressed, her clothes falling to the floor in a heap. His breath caught in his throat as she stood before him, naked and vulnerable, her curves illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight.

Mors drank in the sight of her, his eyes roaming hungrily over every inch of her body. He imagined running his hands over her skin, tracing the lines of her hips and the swell of her breasts.
He longed to feel her pressed against him, to hear the soft sighs of pleasure that would escape her lips as he worshipped her body.

But for now, he was content to watch, to savor the anticipation of what was to come. He knew that in time, she would be his, body and soul.
He would slowly, methodically, weave himself into her life, becoming an indispensable part of her world until she couldn't imagine living without him.

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