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Seraphina's POV

I lay on my bed, my mind consumed by the troubling thoughts swirling around Mors and our relationship. It had been several months since we started dating, but over time, his behavior had become increasingly strange and unsettling.

As I reflected on our time together, I couldn't help but question whether accepting him was the right decision. A pang of guilt tugged at my heart as I realized I had been trying to distance myself from him, but the reasons for doing so were becoming clearer with each passing day.

Mors had transformed into someone I barely recognized. His possessiveness and controlling nature made me feel trapped in a gilded cage, suffocating under the weight of his expectations.
The carefree happiness we once shared had been replaced by a growing sense of unease, like a shadow looming over every interaction. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was fundamentally off about him, as if he had been wearing a mask all along, hiding his true self.

The realization that his true nature was far more dangerous than he let on sent shivers down my spine, a cold reminder of the stakes involved.

As I pondered the strange disappearances of the boys who had approached me at school, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. The whispers and rumors that circulated through the halls only served to confirm my suspicions.

Mors was behind these vanishings, orchestrating a web of fear and silence that ensnared anyone who dared to come close to me. The police seemed powerless to intervene, their efforts thwarted by the elusive nature of the situation. The thought of his victims' families, left without answers or closure, made my heart ache with sorrow and frustration. How could I be complicit in this?

Serene's sudden distance from me only added to the mystery. Her fear was palpable whenever I mentioned Mors, and I couldn't help but wonder what she knew that I didn't.

Each time I brought him up, her eyes would widen, and a flicker of dread would cross her face. I felt a growing sense of isolation, as if I were trapped in a nightmare with no way to escape.
The memory of Mors forcefully kissing me, leaving my lips swollen and my breath ragged, haunted me. His desire for me was all-consuming, a dark flame that threatened to engulf everything in its path. I realized that this was the true face of the man I had fallen for, one that I had been too blind to see before.

As I lay there, lost in my thoughts, I knew that the Mors I had once known was gone. The wolf had shed his sheep's clothing, revealing the predator beneath. I was left to face the harsh reality of his true nature, and the weight of that knowledge pressed heavily on my chest. I couldn't ignore the warning signs any longer, but the fear of what he might do if I confronted him kept me silent.

I longed for things to improve, for some miracle to restore our relationship to what it once was, but deep down, I knew that the damage was done.

I sighed deeply, the weight of my realization settling heavily upon my heart. I had to find the courage to face the truth, no matter how painful it might be. With a renewed sense of determination, I vowed to uncover the full extent of Mors' deception and find a way to break free from his hold.
It wouldn't be easy; the thought of confronting him filled me with dread, but I knew that staying in this relationship any longer would only lead to my own destruction. I had to trust my instincts and take a stand, no matter the cost.

The path ahead was uncertain, and I felt a mix of fear and resolve. I envisioned the confrontation, my heart racing at the thought of standing up to him. Would he lash out? Would he deny everything? The questions swirled in my mind like a tempest, but I knew I had to act. I couldn't let myself be a pawn in his game any longer. I had to reclaim my agency, to break free from the chains of his manipulation.

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