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Waking up I quickly slipped on a sports bra and some basketball shorts. I needed to get back to my life as Alpha and I needed to distract myself from thinking about Jose. Tying my hair up into a ponytail I headed out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen.

After talking to the boys yesterday we went back inside to find Melissa and Nick flirting away. Nick obviously was doing all the flirting and Melissa was blushing. It made me happy knowing that she was would be happy now. She had Nick and Nick finally got his mate. I asked her if she wanted to stay with her mate. She hesitated, which means she is already getting comfortable with him, before saying no but then quickly promising that she would visit him.

"I know that but if you hurt our sister we will hurt you." I heard Jordan say from the kitchen

"She's my sister too ya know, besides I'm trying to help her. I only want what's best for her too," Derek responded

I walked into the kitchen breaking up their conversation. They immediately looked at me and smiled awkwardly before saying a good morning.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and as an apple before leaning against the counter.

"I can defend myself pretty well," I said taking a bite from my apple.

"You hear our conversation?" Jayden asked

"Yeah, and I would like it if you didn't act like I'm a fragile doll. I am an Alpha and half angel in case you guys forgot." I said still eating my apple

"We just want to make sure your okay until I can teach you how to use more of your angel side," Derek said as the twins nodded in agreement

"Well, I'm fine and can defend myself," I said as I threw away my apple remains

I walked out of the kitchen as some of the pack members walked in the kitchen greeting me with a bow and an 'Alpha'. I nodded back as I kept walking.

Melissa, Dylan meet me outside so we can start our training.

A couple of seconds later Dylan came out in nothing but basketball shorts and Melissa was dressed much like me. She walked out with her arms covering herself until she looked around seeing it was only us three.

They both reached me and bowed as they said Alpha.

"How many times do I have to say it, unless there's a visitor it's just Amber." I sighed

"Sorry Amber its a habit" Dylan explained as Melissa nodded in agreement

"Its okay it just makes me feel like you guys think I'm better than you and I'm not," I said shrugging

"Well you are our leader," Melissa said

"Yeah but still I'm your friend. Now we are going to start training, have either one of you trained before?" I asked the both shook their heads no

"Why?" I asked a little angry and confused

"Well, my pack didn't let females be warriors."

"My pack thought I was too weak to even train," Dylan said

I growled at how their pack could treat them like that

"Well, that's going to change," I said


After hours of training, I gave them a break to go eat and relax. They were both accelerating at their training at a quick rate.

Dylan learned quick and Melissa was too shy at first but once she broke out of her shyness she was amazing.

I taught them hand to hand combat. I taught them how to hide and not be seen. I taught them how to pin another person down. Then I switched to wolf form and taught them how to be patient and not attack first. I also taught them how to seek out their opponent's weaknesses.

It was amazing as Melissa took down Dylan and Dylan almost pinned me down when we practiced. As they headed inside I decided I needed to train as well.

Derek, can you come outside?

A couple of minutes later Derek showed up outside.

"Hey sis what did you need?" He said standing in front of me

"I want you to train me," I said

"Okay, what do you want to know first?" He asked

We trained for hours as he showed me different things my angel side could do. Then he showed me what my wolf could do when the two were combined. It was amazing, I didn't even know I was capable of doing this.

After a while, we stopped training and ended up playing around in our wolf forms.

I'm gonna go inside and get something to eat you want anything? He asked

No, I'm just going to go around the border. I said. He nodded his wolf head before heading inside.

I turned and headed into the woods. I didn't know exactly where I was going but my wolf was leading me somewhere.

Once she stopped I realized I was out of my territory and close to where I used to live. I was at the pond and rock that I first saw Jose at.

Huffing I walked until I reached the edge of the pond. How does everything remind me of him?

He left so I shouldn't even worry about him, right?

I mean he decided to leave.

Shaking my wolf head to try and clear the thoughts of my ma-ex mate. Bending down to drink out of the pond a faint smell suddenly hit my snout.

I quickly raised my head and started sniffing the air. The hairs on my back stood up in alarm as I couldn't put a name to the smell.

It was new to me as I've never smelt anything like this before. It smelt like evil, death, and sulfur? My wolf was warning me about something but I ignored her as the scent got stronger.

I cringed and shut my eyes as a sudden wave of unbearable heat hit me. My entire body was burning and the heat only increased as the second a went by.

The unrecognizable smell leaving my mind as the heat was forcing me to shift back. I was in too much pain to even try to stay in wolf form.

I shifted back and lay there keeping my screams into a minimum as the heat increased and another wave hit me.

I looked around for anything to help ease the pain.

The water. I thought

Crawling towards the water in hopes that the water would cool off some of the heat that was almost unbearable. As soon as the water touched my skin it cooled for a couple of seconds before it was back and worse than before.

I screamed unable to hold it in anymore. My vision blurred as black dots invaded it. Just before darkness consumed me a shadowy figure stood over me I could feel as they assessed my body with their eyes. I could faintly see the outline of a girl and hear mumbled words before darkness consumed me completely.

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