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After changing my clothes and making sure the new arrivals were safe and comfortable in their new rooms, I decided it was time to make the journey back to Nick's pack. If I don't go now I know I'm gonna change my mind and not go or think about it again.

"No way! I'm going" Jayden argued

"No I am" Jordan replied

Here we go again I said sighing and shaking my head as my wolf groaned as well.

"No, I am older I get to go!"

"Only by two minutes!"

"It doesn't matter I am still the one going"





This lady's and gentlemen is why I usually don't leave the pack house unless of emergencies or to visit Nick. My lovely twin brothers are trying to decide who goes to the meeting with me and who has to stay and watch over the pack. Now I know they were both with me at Nick's earlier but now its business and I am not gonna risk the safety of my pack members just because Jose thinks it's a good idea to attack while the Alpha is gone. I mean he doesn't know his mate is the alpha yet and it would be the perfect time to attack my pack if I am looking at it through and Alphas point of view.

"Amber why can't we both go?" Jayden asked me pouting his lips like a little kid.

"Because if that dick head tries to attack while the Alpha is gone who is going to lead the pack into war?" I questioned trying to see if they would use their brains and remember we have Gammas.

"But we both want to go and see how this plays out," Jordan replied also pouting like his brother. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at the both of them being childish.

"Well if you two would stop acting like little kids you would have remembered we do have Gamma mates that are trained for this and would be honored to watch over the pack" I said in a duh tone crossing my arms over my chest.

They didn't respond but stared at each other like why didn't you think about that? Rolling my eyes once again I mind linked my gamma pair.

Brian would you and your mate mind coming to the front of the Packhouse for a minute, please?

Yes Alpha, He quickly responded.

How many times have I told him unless there is another pack or a visitor present to call me by my first name? It makes me feel like they think I have some sort of power over them when I don't. Besides a title and a little more strength and height, I am just like them.

Two minutes later my Gammas jog towards me from the back of the pack house. They were a really adorable couple, considering they were the complete opposite and not just in personality but in size as well. Brian is buff and muscular while Amy is small and petite. Amy is also outgoing and nowhere near shy while Brian tends to keep to himself and is a man of few words. They are the cutest thing when they are together though.

"Alpha, betas," they said in unison while bowing their head to me and my brothers in respect and we reciprocated the action.

"Guys how many times have I told you unless there is someone outside the pack present you can call me by my first name." I scolded them both in a motherly fashion.

"I told you," Amy said to her mate.

Who just rolled his eyes at her in response.

"So what did you need Am's?" Amy asked calling me by the nickname she made for me.

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