-Four Months Ago

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Jose's POV

"What do you mean she left?" I asked trying not to let my anger take over. My wolf was right at the surface begging me to go after he and follow her scent.

"She said it was getting more and more difficult to contain her wolf. She also let it slip that her wolf might have tried to mark you and it took everything she had to take back control." He explained to me while shrugging his shoulders as if seeing her reason logical for leaving.

"Fuck! Porque tengo que ser un culo? Que hice mal? Iba a dicerle todo. Mi corazon. Mi vida, porque? Porque yo?" I said as I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration as profanity after profanity left my mouth.

"Ummm ......I have no idea what you just said but I am pretty sure it wasn't good," he said sitting back down

"Where did she go?" I questioned ignoring his response to my outburst

"I don't know my beta took her...."

Just then his beta... I think his name was Aiden walked into the room.

"Alpha" he nodded my way in respect, but anything but respect was in his eyes, then walked up to Nick and whispered something in his ear.

"I know but it's not what it looks like," Nick told his beta looking at me directly once again with guilt in his eyes.

His beta then turned to me and back to Nick who nodded in return as if giving him permission to do something.

"Why did you let another she-wolf mark you when she wasn't your mate," The beta asked crossing his arms over his chest. He seemed very interested in my response but that didn't matter to me at the moment. My mate was getting further and further away from me the more I sat here wasting time and not going after her.

"That's not important where did you take my mate?" I questioned him eager to go get her and have her in my arms.

"It is important because that's the reason she left" He explained putting emphasis on is before uncrossing his arms.

"What did she say?" I asked confused and wanted some insight into what she thought of me.

"Nothing really just that she understood why you might not be a virgin because of the whole Alpha sex drive thing, but the mark was one thing she thought you would have saved for her." He explained shrugging his shoulders.

"But it's not what it seems I did save it for her... well I was planning too," I said changing my words when Aiden looked at the mark and at me like seriously.

After explaining my self to Aiden he looked guilty and had the same exact look Nick had on his face when I told him. They had judged too quickly as did my mate and now she is not here.

"That was the reason she left, she said she wasn't going to be like other she-wolfs and watch as her mate loved another female and break every day because of it," Aiden explained

"I don't love anyone else. I mean I barely know Amber and I am already in love with her." I explained as my wolf agreed with me. The mate bond makes me attracted to her and my wolf as well.

"There is one thing that I and I think my Beta would agree, even in the short time he has known her, she is a strong female and was born to be an Alpha. Whether she stands alone....."

I growled making him stop mid-sentence. He just held his hands up in surrender and continued.

"Or with you at her side. She can do it, either way, no matter what happens in her life she will always put her pack first, if she ever gets one. She is not your average she-wolf and she will prove it to you." Nick said


"Dónde diablos puede haber ido?" I questioned my Beta

"Yo no se Alpha."

"Le vamos a encontrarla si es la última cosa que hacemos" I growled out to my beta Jeremy as he only looked at me.

"Alpha but what about the new Pack that has grown more powerful than ours?"

I growled at him because I know he's right to worry which is what I'm supposed to be doing but I just can't concentrate right now.

"I will deal with it just go and search for her again," I growled out once again.

"Yes Alpha" He bowed his head then left. As soon as he left my room I sighed in guilt.

It's not like I meant to be so rude, I have just been missing my mate. My wolf is constantly on edge because he misses his mate's scent, touch, and knowing where she is. He is constantly worried about where she is or if she is in trouble. It's not like we would be able to tell either, we haven't marked each other or have that connection. He has been blaming me the entire time which I don't blame him. It really is my fault for being stupid and arrogant only because I am an Alpha.

Growling at my own stupidity I grabbed my phone quickly dialing Alpha Nick's number and putting it on my ear.

He answered really confused probably not expecting my phone call.

"Hello?" He answered

"Have you heard of the new pack?" I asked skipping the formalities.

"Well they are a danger to both of our packs"

"They are almost stronger than my pack."

"That only means we have to attack, what if they attack first?"

"You do remember we have a treaty?" I questioned worried he might have chosen the other pack.

"Well then maybe I should get a treaty with the Alpha of the Bloodmoon Pack," I said already forming a plan in my head as a form of attack

"Okay I will be there later today" I agreed

With that, I hung up.

I will go there as soon as my beta comes back from looking from my mate. I promise to the Goddess I will find her and make her mine. It was the Goddesses plan after all for us to be together.

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