25. Picnic Day

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Elora POV:

"We have finally arrived," I exclaimed happily, my gaze flickering between Dorothy and the beautiful scenery out the carriage's window.

"We did," She nodded stealing a glance out the window, as the carriage rolled to a stop. Unable to suppress myself any longer, my fingers quickly wrapped around the handle, and with a quick twist, the door swung open.

We were greeted by fresh, clean air mingled with soft scents of greenery and flowers. The corner of my lips stretched into a peaceful smile and my hand carefully held the brim of my hat to keep it in place as I descended from the carriage. My jaw dropped in awe as I tried to take in the magnificent view. The keyword: 'try', I couldn't possibly take it all in at once.

My eyes were immediately drawn to the vast lake stretching out to the horizon, its clean water shimmering under the sunlight like a field of diamonds. Swans elegantly glided across the lake, their pure white feathers looked soft to the touch, but too majestic to dare place a finger on them afraid to dirty them. Blooming flowers danced among the lush green grass nestled beneath the canopy of the towering trees.

"Woah" I breathed.

"I did a splendid job, didn't I," Emmett exclaimed, pride evident in his voice. I jumped surprised! Why did he always keep popping up out of nowhere?

Both Dorothy and I turned towards him at the same time. Dororthy's eyes narrowed into slits, her judgemental gaze said it all. "What did you do? plant the trees?" she probably wanted to scoff but bit her tongue.

"I suggested the location," He shrugged with a boyish smile, his eyes shamelessly looking Dorothy up and down. He couldn't tear his eyes from her to save his life.

Who was I to judge him, my friend was stunning!

"You did amazing," I praised. Dorothy grudgingly nodded, disliking to admit that Emmett did something good.

My guess was she hadn't gotten over him eating her piece of cake yet.

"Where are the others," I inquired, scanning the area. I was aware that Delphine and Castiel would arrive together, but he... Where was he? My lips pursed in confusion, he agreed to come, didn't he? I didn't dare ask Emmett.

"Delphine and Castiel will likely arrive together. But wouldn't you have a better idea considering you and Delphine live under the same roof," Emmett quipped, tilting his head to the side.

What about Aurelius?! I chewed on my lips. It was totally normal if I ask, right? Ugh, why was I so nervous to ask?

"If I am allowed to, Miss Dorothy, but you look absolutely beautiful," Emmett suddenly said in a small shy tone. A sheepish smile slowly formed across his lovely features, a few strands of olive-brown hair fell onto his forehead as his gaze lowered, while a pink hue colored his cheeks and the tip of his nose.

I resisted the urge to squeal, he looked adorable! I wanted to pinch his cheeks.

However, with his confession, Dorothy's usual cool facade cracked. Her lips parted in a shocked gasp and heat rushed to her face.

"I-I thank you, my lord." She cleared her throat, however her voice quivered slightly even as she tried to stay as composed as possible.

Emmett nodded his head, no matter how hard he tried to suppress his smile, it lingered on his lip. He absently scratched the back of his neck, his cheeks blushing in all shades of red.

OH, My God! Was there another love story happening here?! It never accrued to me how awesome it was to be in a romance novel until now, I feel like I might burst with excitement.

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