26. Lovers Haven

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Elora POV:

Three white rowboats adorned with delicate white flowers were neatly aligned along the riverbank. Castiel gracefully stepped into the first boat he reached. As he settled in, he extended his hand towards Delphine, his ice-blue gaze locked onto her and his lips stretched into a gentle beautiful smile.

My lips parted in surprise, it was the first time I saw him smile this big, he had a pretty smile. He must smile more often!

"Delphine," his voice was gentle and warm as he summoned her. Nervously nibbling on her lip, she shifted her gaze from him to both Dorothy and me, her eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights

Dorothy slightly nodded her head in encouragement. While I faced the other way, my fist covering my lips as I tried to stifle my giggles.

With a soft smile and a face as red as a tomato, she placed her fingers in his palm allowing him to help her get in the rowboat.

I glanced at Dorothy with a teasing smile, however, her eyes were on the two left boats her nails lightly scraped her arm in deep thought.

"Dorothy, would you like us to go on a ride well," I lightly poked her arm.

"Could we?" She looked at me in disbelief, a shy smile gradually stretching on her lips

"Of course," just as I uttered the words, she hurried to one of the boats.

When she got in the boat, she looked at me and with a wave of her hand she said:" Ellie, what are you waiting for."

I nodded with a grin, and as I made my first step toward her, Emmett basically ran past me leaving behind me flabbergasted.

"I was eyeing that one as well! Miss Dorothy, we have a similar taste!" He cheered, and Dorothy looked at me with a horrified look.

I shrugged with a smirk, the lake was called the Lover Haven for a reason I guess.

Welp, I was left on my own, unless...

My eyes moved to Aurelius who was leaning against a nearby tree with his arms crossed. Not a hint of excitement on his face; he didn't have a single emotion on his face.

"Would you like to..." I gestured towards the sole remaining boat with my eyes. Might as well try.

To my utter surprise, he nodded his head and I could swear I caught a glimpse of the faintest smile. I nearly squealed with excitement.

Lifting the hem of my skirt with one hand, while clutching my hat with the other, I practically raced to the boat. However as my foot stepped into the edge, I felt the wood shift slightly under my weight. I immediately stepped back. My lips pursed thinking this over.

I would be devastated if my hat fell into the water and got all wet. The mere thought made me grip it tighter.

Biting my lip, I went for another try when fingers rested above mine, the ones holding my hat. A shiver ran down my spine and my lips parted into a soft gasp, I slowly turned around.

"Allow me," Aurelius calmly offered, his gaze captivating.

I numbly nodded and relinquished my hold on my hat. I stared dumbfounded as he extended his other hand. My heart fluttered as realized he was once again offering me help. I wrapped my fingers around his hand and I finally got safely into the boat. He didn't let go of my hand until we were both seated.

"Alma," He shook his head, his voice stopping me just as I went to take the oars. Instead, he took them.

"Oh, thank you," I chuckled. My arms are too weak anyway. Both my mind and body relaxed as the boat started slowly moving, my fingertips trailing lightly over the surface of the cool water.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10 ⏰

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