Part 14

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The kitchen was a mess. After feeding everyone, dirty dishes were piled up everywhere. I was pretty sure not even Charles himself hadn't seen this many dishes in one place. Jean and I got to work cleaning up, about to get into an easy rhythm of washing and drying.

Jean nudged me with her elbow as she rinsed a plate. "Think you can handle washing some dishes, tough guy?"

I gave her a sideways grin, grabbing a dish towel. "I've fought Magneto, fought Sabertooth, and healed from pretty much every single weapon ever made," I said tossing the towel over my shoulder. "I think I can handle a few dishes."

Jean laughed, a sound that sent warmth through my entire body. She turned on the faucet, letting the water run, then flicked the spray nozzle at me, "prove it, then!"

I dodged to the side, but not fast enough— the cold water caught me across the shoulder. "Oh, you're asking for it now," I warned, grabbing the spray nozzle myself and aiming it right back at her.

She squealed as the water hit her, a surprised laugh bursting from her lips. "Logan!" She cried, lifting her hands to try and block the water. "That's not fair!"

"All's fair in love and dishwashing," I shot back, grinning as I sprayed her again.

Before I knew it, we were caught in a full-on water fight, laughing and splashing like a couple of kids. Jean's hair was dripping, and water soaked through my white tank top, but I didn't care. It felt good to let loose, to see her smile like that. For once, it felt like we were just two people having fun, not mutants carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.

After a moment, we both called a truce, panting and laughing, soaked to the bone. Jean wiped her wet hair out of her face, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"You're a mess, Logan," she teased, poking me in the chest.

"Yeah, but so are you," I shot back, chuckling. "Guess that makes us even."

Jean smiled, her laughter fading to a softer, more thoughtful expression. She looked down at my hands, her gaze lingering. "I've always been curious about something," she said, her voice quieter now. "About your claws. Could...I see them up close?"

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded. I didn't usually like showing off my claws, but her, I'd make an exception. I clenched my hand, feeling the familiar pull in my muscles as my claws snikt-ed out of my knuckles with a metallic clang.

Jean's eyes widened with fixation, but there was no fear only curiosity. She reached out, her fingers brushing over the metal lightly, tracing the edges. "They're...beautiful," she whispered almost to herself.

I scoffed softly. "Not the word most people would use," I muttered, but I couldn't help the slight smile appearing on my lips.

She ignored the comment, her focus entirely on my claws. Then, to my surprise, she pressed her lips against one of them, a soft kiss that sent a jolt through my body. She moved to the next one, then the third, her lips warm against the cold metal.

My breath, caught in my throat. "Jean..." I started, not sure what to say.

She looked up at me, her expression serious, her eyes searching mine. "Logan," she said quietly, "I don't want to keep pretending anymore, I don't to hide how I feel or keep this... I know we already talked about this but I just want to make sure we're on the same page."

I swallowed hard, the weight of her words sinking in. "What are you saying?" I asked staring into her green eyes that complimented her entire face.

She didn't break eye contact, reaching up to cup my face with her hands. "I want to be with you," she said, her voice steady and sure. "Officially. I want us."

For a moment, I could only stare at her, my mind racing. This is what I'd wanted for so long, what I've been waiting to hear. I thought I wandered if I was dreaming.

"You sure about this?" I asked, my tone serious. "Because once we start, I'm not letting you go, Jean. Not for anything."

She smiled, her eyes softening. "I'm sure," she said, "I've been sure for a long time... remember when I told you bad boys are only to flirt with not being them home. I was wrong, so wrong."

Relief and joy crashed over me, sending a tingle through my entire body. I reached up, covering her hand with mine. "Then I'm in," I said firmly. "All the way."

Jean stood on her tip toes, leaning in, her lips finding mine, slow, tender kiss. No hesitation, no doubts, no one watching. It was perfect. We finally found our way to each other.

When we finally pulled our lips away, Jean rested her forehead against mine, her breath warm on my skin. "Thank you for waiting for me, I'm sorry I took me so long to find the real man I needed," she murmured.

I chuckled softly, "I would've done it all over again if I knew this was the outcome."

She smiled, and I could see the happiness in her eyes, a light had been missing for too long.

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