Part 31

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The gentle lopping of water against the shore was a soothing soundtrack to the new life. The cabin, was our permanent sanctuary away from the chaos of our previous lives.

Jean, Rogue and I had spent months adjusting to the new routine. A life devoid of missions, conflicts, and the constant hum of X-men business. It was a fresh start, one all three of us embraced.

Mornings in the lake house began with a simple routine. Jean would wake up early to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee while gazing out at the tranquil lake. Rogue and I would join her later, our mornings marked by the calm and simplicity we had come to cherish.

Today was no different. I found Jean already up, preparing breakfast in the cozy kitchen. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air, a comforting start of a day. Rogue, always a bit slower to rise, she was still laying in the pull out bed that was built into the couch.

Jean turned as I walked into the kitchen, a warm smile lighting up her face. "Good morning, Logan. Sleep well?"

"Better than ever," I replied, grabbing a mug from the cabinet and pouring whiskey and coffee into the cup. "You've tamed me Jean."

Jean laughed softly. "I think this place has grown on you and Rogue a lot. I always tried to stick a routine on you guys in the mansion but it never stuck."

As we chatted, Rogue's head popped up from the couch-bed. Her hair a tangled mess, she gave us both a sleepy smile before getting up and walking into the kitchen. "Mornin'."

Jean placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of Rogue. "I thought we could spend some time outside together. It's beautiful outside."

Rogue made eye contact with as Jean went over the agenda. I just smiled drinking my alcoholic coffee choice. We walked across the lake and through trees that surrounded it.

The woods were alive with the sounds of nature. At the end of the mini-trail that led us through the beautiful scenery.

"I love you," Jean whispered tangling our fingers together as Rogue walked in front of us. I leaned in and kissed Jean passionately, her tongue still tasted minty from this morning. Rogue looked behind witnessing me and Jean kiss, she instantly rolls her eyes causing Jean to rip her lips away from mine.

I laughed at Rogue. "You're acting like I didn't have to witness you and a couple members in the mansion," I say exposing her.

"Hey! That's different. I'm not old. Like you." Rogue shot back.

Jean punched my shoulder playful before laying her head on my shoulder, and continued to walk.

We spent the rest of the walk talking and laughing over the sounds of the lake.

By the time we got back to the cabin, the sky had turned pitch black, with only stars and the mood being the light. We sat outside on the porch, I gave Rogue my jacket keeping her warm.

I wrapped Jean in my arms, holding her so close I felt her heartbeat.

"You know, I never thought we would end up here. But I'm glad we did." Jean said with a smile.

I looked down at her, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "It's a life I didn't know I would enjoy."

Jean took a deep breath, her eyes looking glassy; full of emotion. "There's something I need to tell the both of you."

Me and Rogue turned our full attention to Jean. Her smile was nervous and excited. "I'm're going to be a father." Jean says, gripping me tighter.

The words hung in the air. I was going to be a father...Jean was pregnant. She was carrying my child.

I placed my hand under her chin, tilting her head up and placing a passionate and loving kiss on her lips.

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