Chapter 7: The Lazy Wolf

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"So", the girl said, dragging a chair towards Steven and sitting down in front of him. "What brings an Anaxian solider to Hin-ful?"

Steven sighed, rolling his head back.

"Nothing. Just an accident."

"What type of accident?"

"I was going through an orbital ring when Fen-Har attacked. I guess it messed something up with the portal and brought me here."

The girls brows furrowed.

"Where was this?"


The girl scoffed.

"Now I know you're full of it. Fen-Har? Coming to Anaxian? Nope, never in a million years. You'd be hard pressed to get them to step foot outside of their Tebar nests."

Steven sighed.

"I know, I know. But it's the truth. I was going through the portal, when they came out of nowhere and launched an attack. Next thing I know, that thing is attacking me."

The girl observed Steven, her hazel eyes moving up and down.

"Where's your ship?"

Steven shrugged.

"Hell if I know, I was sucked out the ship. Hence my current predicament."

The girl studied Steven a moment more, before sighing and slumping back in her seat.

"Peter?", she asked, looking at the metal wearing figure across the room. He nodded his head.

"Somewhat common phenomena when booming under attack", Peter said. "Apparently, that's how my uncle died."

The girl sighed even more.

"Well, Steven, it looks like you are indeed useless. Maybe we could-"

The girls radio emitted static, a moment later a man's voice speaking.

"Lazy wolf, this is Doug. What's your cargo?"

The girls eyes opened wide.

"We've already reached Vargur?", she hissed at Peter.

Peter shrugged.

"Yeah, like a minute ago. Ric told me", Peter said, tapping the comm on his helmet.

"I-", the girl began, before sighing and putting her head down.

"Wha-", Peter started to say, before the girl cut him off.

"Just shut up", she said, grabbing her radio and putting it to her mouth, a click and brief sputter of static later, speaking into it.

"This is Captain Mozzie of The Lazy Wolf, cargo is the usual. My crew, some odd bits of equipment here and ther-"

"Smart ass," Doug said. "What are you bringing in?"

The girl looked at Steven, who shook his head.

"Mm...a possible Anaxian soldier. A pilot."

After a pause of silence, Doug spoke.

"Okay, and? Unless he's a top level guy, what value does he have to us? You know how dime a dozen Anaxian soldiers are around these parts? I know you're a little too young for a whore house, but when you're of legal age you should really hit one up. I guarantee you the Anaxian soldiers you see there will surpass your available finger count."

Mozzie pulled the radio away from her, sighing once again. She lifted it back to her face.

"We...we have some Ordaxian stone."

Peter jerked forward, his armor clanging.

"Mozzie!", he shouted through a whisper.

"Mm...okay...", Doug responded, subtle surprise along with piqued interest in his voice.

"We'll sell it to you for eighteen Heigons."

A brief pause.

" about fourteen?"

"Sixteen", Mozzie responded. "Final offer."

A raspy chuckle departed the radio.

"Alright, deal. Clearing you through."

The radio clicked. Mozzie released a tight sigh and put the radio down.

"We really need that Ordaxian", Peter said.

"And we'll restock", Mozzie spat back.

"What about him?", Peter said, nodding at Steven. Mozzie eyed Steven a moment.

"We'll bring him in. Even if the usual suspects don't want him, maybe someone will. Perhaps they'll want him enough to trade for Ordaxian stone."

"Or", Steven said, interjecting. "Here's another idea, and just spitballing here, but maybe you could just let me go?"

A mean scoff left Mozzie's mouth.

"And why would I do that?"

"It's...the right thing to do?"

"And the right thing benefits me how?", Mozzie replied.

"Clear conscious?", Steven said with a shrug.

"Ha", Mozzie replied, turning for the door. "Bring him out to the deck, but make sure he's bound."

After being released from the chair, and cuffed (Peter saying that if he even attempted to escape the cuffs would detonate and blow his hands off) Steven found himself in the main deck, Mozzie in a pilot's chair along with the man in the pilot suit. Outside, what could only be described as a firework show. Webs upon webs of asteroids and artificial structures, all quasi-bound together, the assortment of lights emitting off each one making them appear like lights wrapped around a Christmas tree. Outside of the sprawling light, an endless canvas of black. Mozzie glanced at Steven, a smirk breaking out across her lips as she noticed Steven's face.

"Welcome to the Outer Rims. Home of ruffians, scalawags and ne'er-do-wellers."

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