Chapter Nineteen Adventures in Gray sitting

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August 31st

(Bisca Connell) Don't worry Ultear Gray will be in my capable hands while Alzack and Asuka are off visiting my mom and dad, Ultear said thanks again for watching over my son while I go out for the night tonight, it isn't a problem dear Gray's in very capable hands.

Ultear knelt down and she said Gray honey I'm going to head out now and I will be back to get you tomorrow morning please try to behave yourself! Gray don't worry mom I will try my hardest to be on my best behavior, Ultear then said good and then she placed a kiss on gray's forehead and then said I love you Gray I love you too mom Gray responded back to his adoptive mother.

Ultear then stood up and she then walked out of our house I could sense that Gray seemed a little nervous, I walked over to Gray and I said don't worry honey your mother will be back very soon while in the meantime you get to spend time with your fun aunt Bisca! Can I go and lay down Aunt Bisca? gray asked me.

Sure thing honey let me show you to your room, I  carried Gray's overnight bag on my shoulder I then walked out the living room and I led Gray to one of the spare rooms that can be used whenever him Natsu or Lucy visit us, Once we reached the room I opened the door to the room and I then playfully shooed him into the room, What do you think of the room hun?

Gray spoke with a smile the room's very nice Aunt Bisca! You can take a nap if you'd like and I can come and get you when it's time for supper which is in two hours hon! Gray simply nodded his head and he said kk and then he walked over to the bed and he then proceeded to climb underneath the covers and I said as I walked to the door sleep well Gray, I will see you in a little bit hun!

I headed to the kitchen to start making the fried rice stir fry that was going to make for dinner for Gray and myself, It has been a big adjustment for the guild to get used to having Natsu Gray and Lucy as toddlers but we're all a big family, We're a big family even if we aren't blood related.

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