Meeting the two.

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Odysseus leaned against the side of the deck, watching the sea with a keen eye. It had been peaceful a few days, too peaceful. It concerned him alot knowing what could happen.. he had a strong rivalry with Poseidon, the god of the sea, so that was something.. and the fact he could encounter any sea creature was even more unnerving, so he was on edge.

Eurylochus quietly cleaned up, brushing any dirt and dust off the deck, as he walked around, his foot hit something, and as he looked down, he was greeted to the sight of a little bit of gold and silver..? He knelt down, picking it up, "uhh.. captain? You loose any silver or gold?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow as Odysseus looked over curiously, shaking his head "uh.. no.." he walked over, analysing the two gems his second in command found, "where did this come from..?" He asked himself, hoping he weren't going insane, or it was his paranoia eating away at him. "I don't know.. I just found it on the floor.." the question remained in his head, what could've left it?

As night came, Odysseus sat in his cabin, his head buried in his hands, he was sure it was his paranoia eating away at him inside but there was no way a piece of gold and silver could of appear randomly.. they were in the middle of the sea?  He let out a sigh, trying to piece out every little possibility that appeared in his mind until something snapped him out of it. Footsteps. Specifically two pairs of them.. be thought it was Elpenor and Perimedes at first until he realised they wouldn't be awake at this hour.. he instinctively grabbed his sword, silently walking around the deck to find who the footsteps. As Odysseus turned the corner, he was greeted to the sight of sea blue hair darting around the corner.. his guard was up as he followed where the footsteps, lurking in the shadows.

Soon,  Odysseus made it right behind the two, noticing their.. peculiar appearance. He pointed the sword at the taller one, speaking out, "who are you and why are you two on my ship."  He snarled, awaiting an answer. "Jeez, we are just trying to help!" The taller one spoke, making it obvious she was a woman. "So.. who are you then?" Odysseus raised an eyebrow, slowly lowering the sword in his hand "I'm Cordelia, and this one here is Caspian, my younger brother.. we're the children of a god and we protect soldiers, well Caspian mostly does, but there's a sailor called.. Odysseus, who my father hates greatly.." Cordelia spoke as Caspian waved, not taking notice of the worried look on Odysseus' face "uh.. who is your father?" Odysseus asked, just wanting to make sure. "Poseidon?" At that moment, Odysseus froze, muttering an "oh shit.." under his breath "uhh well.. nice to meet you!- I'm.. uh.. Odysseus.." he replied, looking away, the name revelation causing Caspian and Cordelia to share a look "so.. you are the one our dad hates?" Caspian tilted his head, Odysseus nodded shyly.. oh he is probably screwed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13 ⏰

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