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Location: Estadi Mallorca Son Moix Spain

Chloe arrived at the stadium early, her excitement palpable as she looked forward to supporting Kylian at his match against Mallorca. She found her seat in the stands, her heart swelling with pride as she saw Kylian warming up on the pitch.

As the stadium filled with fans, Chloe caught sight of Kylian's girlfriend, Emma, who was seated a few rows in front of her. Emma's demeanour was icy, and Chloe couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort when she noticed Emma's dismissive glances.

"Ugh, look at that Chloe over there. She's always hanging around, acting like she's someone important." Emma said irritated. "Hi Emma nice to see you here," Chloe said as she tried to make a conversation to ease the tension

"What do you want Chloe, isn't it enough you are his assistant just hanging around him." Emma snickers and she makes her comment.

Chloe's face flushed with embarrassment as she heard Emma's comment. "Oh no, Emma I'm his sister Chloe Mbappe rings a bell?" She said as she tried to clear the misunderstanding

"AS if y'all look nothing alike girl in your dreams," Emma said as she laughed.

Chloe took a deep breath, trying to ignore the snide remarks and to calm herself not to get angry. Just then, Isabella, Kylian's friend, noticed Chloe's discomfort and came over.

"Hey, Chloe! I saw you from across the room. You look like you could use a break. Come with me." Isabella said as he sighted Chloe. "Omg Hi, Isa! Thank you so much."She thanks Isabella for intervening

Isabella guided Chloe to a private box, away from the crowd. Chloe felt a wave of relief as they settled into the quieter space.

"Thank you, Isabella. That was... rough, I don't know what she thinks of herself I told Kylian off about her ." She thanks her once again

"Don't let Emma get to you. She's always been like that. Just focus on supporting Kylian. He needs all the positive energy he can get, you know you're the only one who came by so make it worth it." Isabella said convincing her.

"I know Isa but she just gets on my nerves don't worry about it alright," She said and Isabella nodded in acknowledgement and left.

The match was intense, and Chloe tried to stay focused, cheering loudly for Kylian. After the game, Chloe waited by the players' entrance to catch Kylian. When he finally emerged, he looked visibly frustrated.

"Hey, Kylian. Tough game out there. I'm sure you'll bounce back." Chloe said as she approached him

"Yeah, whatever."He replied without looking at her

"Is everything okay? You seemed off today."She asked feeling concerned

"I said, whatever," Kylian answered raising his voice. "Okay Okay," She said as Kylian stormed off, leaving Chloe standing alone, hurt and confused.

"What's his problem Jude, what happened ?" She asks Jude as he comes towards her. She seems confused.

"Hey Clo! Yeah, I dunno either, he was just off during practice, y'know? Anyway, I'm sure he'll be fine." Jude assured her in his brum accent "Do you have your car with you I ubered hoping I could catch a ride with you?" Chloe asked Jude" Yeah I do come on?" he said as he led her toward the car

She made her way back home with Jude, where the tension with Kylian only intensified.

"Kylian, what's going on? Why are you so angry? Did anything happen during the game" Chloe asked him

"You wouldn't understand." He answered her shortly

" I would c'mon I'm your sister I could help y'know," She said trying to get it out of him. Chloe knew Kylian was a mess when became angry he didn't know how to contain his emotions

"Chloe just shut up how would you know when you're adopted. You don't belong here. Maybe you should just get out."

Chloe's heart sank at his harsh words. Feeling a mix of anger and despair,

"Uh-uh I'm not going Kylian I know you're just saying that cuz you're angry I understand that's why I need you to calm the fuck down" She yelled a little while cursing, she knew he was right she found out a few days ago when checking for some old documents, she didn't believe it though until now.

"putain, je suis Chloé, fous le camp"(fucking hell I am Chloe get the fuck out) He yelled in french while storming off

"tu es pour de vrai Kylian! I should get out? What has happened to you?"(you're for real Kylian) she asked him one more time while following behind him "Chloe can you leave" Kylian told her one more time giving her the look of I'm serious

"Wow" she muttered under her breath while packing her training bag with a few essentials and decided to leave. she couldn't stay in a place where she felt so unwelcome.

"Jude can we leave now" she asked him as he stood there trying to understand what just happened "Uhh yeah" he said after he snapped out of it as they went to his car.

Later that evening, Chloe arrived at the Bellingham's house. Denise greeted her and Jude with a concerned expression.

"Chloe? Jude What's wrong? Why are you here so late?" Denise asked Jude while leaning into Chloe for a hug

"Hi Denise I just fought with Kylian. He... he told me to leave" She answered as she hugged Denise.

Denise's face softened with sympathy. She led her inside where she met - Mark.

"Come on, Chloe. We'll make sure you're comfortable."Denise assured her while offering her comfort. Denise has always seen Chloe as her daughter ever since she became close to Jude. She loves her just as much as she loves her kids.

Chloe settled in, feeling the warmth and acceptance of Jude's family. Over dinner, she shared her story.

"A few days ago, I found out I was adopted. I discovered it when I found some old documents in my parents' stuff, I never believed it though. Then during the argument, Kylian confirmed it and told me to leave seems he knew for a while now, I just don't understand. It's been so overwhelming" She said while sighing as she decided to let the cat out of the bag

"I'm really sorry, Chloe. You're welcome here, anytime. We're glad to have you."Mark said as he showed sympathy

"Yeah, don't worry about it. We're here for you. Just take it one step at a time." Jude finally said hugging her. "Thanks guys I'll be up in my room now" she said as she finished dinner. Chloe had a room here because of her visits and all this made her feel more welcomed

Chloe felt a wave of relief wash over her as she realized she had found a new place where she could stay.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hii Guys this is my first book officially so please let me know your thoughts about it in the comments. Please share and vote.

Her outfit at the top

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