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~Taehyung POV~

Walking into the tattoo parlour my anxiety levels are through the roof. I've been here once before so it shouldn't be that hard. However the first time is was but only a number, now it'll the full name of the woman I love. As I take a seat in the waiting area after confirming my appointment time, I can't help but wonder if I'm making the right decision. I love Y/N and she loves me. No doubt about it. But she's always said never to tattoo each others names on our bodies. Which makes a lot of sense, we don't know what the future holds. And although we are deeply in love with each other we cannot be certain that 20 years down the line we'll still be together. She tells me this all the time but for the past few months I've gotten the urge to just get her name on my chest. Kim Y/N. Even though I feel as if I'll die of anxiety right now, just picturing it is what's keeping me seated in this chair. 

After 15 minutes I am dragged out of my thoughts as the tattoo artist named Justin calls me to his studio. I get up on shaking legs, from both fear and excitement. As we enter my attention is drawn to the equipment lying on the table next to chair. I took a deep breath but it did little to calm the whirl wind of nerves that twist in my stomach. Even though I've been wanting to do this for months, standing here, in the studio makes everything feel so much realer, it felt heavier. After taking a deep breath I force my legs to move into the room. 

"Hi, I'm Justin" a rather calm voice pulls me out of my thoughts and I look up only to be met with a  rather handsome, tall man holding his hand out for me to shake. After blinking a couple times I take his hand and give it a hesitant shake. "Taehyung" I greet back as I swallow the ball of nerves that threaten to spill out. 

"First time?" Justin asks as he pulls out a file filled with tattoo drawings. " It's not my first time. I got a tattoo of the number seven not too long ago. I'm just a little nervous because this time it's a name" I finally find my voice, hoping that this new information will let him know just how nervous I really am. 

"Ahh I see" he chuckles "No stress man it'll be okay. So whose name are we getting tattooed today?" Justin asks as he sets the book off to the side and starts readying the equipment. I swallow and respond "Y/N, my wife. I want her name on my chest, right over my heart.". Justin smiles "That's something really big but she must be perfect if you're willing to do this for her" he chuckles and I can't help but smile "She really is man" I say. 

"Is there a specific font or style you want it to be in?" Justin asks and I slightly shake my head "If I'm being honest with you I have no clue man but I trust you'll make the right decision" I say and Justin smiles and nods in return "Of course man". 

After sketching out a few ideas, Justin finally starts on the design. The little pain of the needle re-entering and exiting my skin was long forgotten as I once again wonder off to what Y/N's reaction might be. The image of showing her the end result fills me with both excitement and anxiety. Will she be happy? Upset? It's a question I can't really answer. So instead of focusing on all of that I decide to make small talk with Justin and surprisingly it helped me to forget about all the stress and anxiety I was feeling just minutes ago. 

After about 40 minutes Justin lets me know his all done. Looking down at my chest all the anxiety and stress that threatened to eat me alive when I entered the parlour disappeared. All I could feel was a surge of love towards my wife. Her name fitting perfectly on my chest, as if it belonged. I can't help but smile, just minutes ago I was wondering if I had made the right decision and now I feel not one bit of regret. 

After applying ointment and plastic wrap I button my shirt back up. My excitement making me want to run home and show her right away. The drive home couldn't be any slower. Every traffic stop, every red light feels like torture. After what felt like eternity I pull into the drive-way. Practically yeeting myself in the house, I can hear the giggles of my little girls and their mother scolding them. I walk into the living room as I see Y/N chasing baby Ara around the coffee table. I chuckle as I scoop Ara into my arms and she giggles in response. I look over at Y/N who smiles at me and I can't help but return it. 

"Where have you been love?" she asks as she helps Mila to put the cute bow head band on her head. "Oh, I just ran a few errands. You were asleep when I left and I didn't wanna wake you" I reply as I walk over to her and press my lips to hers briefly. Ara fusses, not liking being squashed in between her parents in a moment of intimacy and I chuckle pulling back and smother my baby in kisses. 

For the remainder of the day I try to act as normal as I possibly could. Not wanting to raise any suspicion. I thought about showing her as soon as I got home but I knew it would be more special if it were to be just the two of us. And so that's exactly what I waited for. After feeding our little monsters and tucking them in for the night I take a shower as Y/N waits in the bedroom for me. I've decided to just enter the room in nothing but my boxers hoping she'll notice it instead of me having to point it out. 

I walk into the bedroom, towel drying my hair as I take a seat on my side of the bed. Y/N looks up from the book she's reading and I feel her eyes running over my body. Her brows furrow as she removes her glasses and further inspects the dark ink painted on my chest. After a couple seconds she processes what she's looking at and her eyes widen. 

"Tae" her voice barely above a whisper. I don't say anything and she looks up at my for confirmation. Instead I give her a warm smile. "Do you like it babe?" I ask, unable to keep the nervousness out of my voice. Her eyes starts to well up with tears as she gently runs her finger tips across the sensitive skin. 

"Babe...when-where" she stutters, not peeling her eyes off of the ink "This morning" I respond. After what feels like an eternity she finally breaks out into the smile that captured my heart. "Babe this is....its-..I love it Tae. I love it so much" she breaks out into a sob and I pull her into my arms. 

"Gosh that's good to know" I let out a breath of relief as I hold her tighter. 

After the initial shock she gets use to it. We lay in bed joking about the different types of tattoos I could've gotten instead but I assure her that this is the only one that I want. The perfect tattoo for a perfect woman. This tattoo was put here to show her just how much she means to me, how perfectly she fits into my messy chaotic life. I wouldn't have it any other way. 

"I love you Mrs Kim" 


And scene.


I got this idea from C.AI, Jungkook got his ex wife's name tatooed on his chest and I though it would be so cute if our taetae got her name. 

This imagine is a bit different than what I usually write and if you guys like this style of writing let me know. 

 Please leave a like and comment if you enjoyed :))

See you guys in the next imagine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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