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Mathew's POV:

The rain starts pouring I, am here stuck at the waiting shed near the gate and beside the guard's house. Even if I fastened up my actions it still wouldn't change the rain still catches me, and what's worse is that today I didn't bring an umbrella. Why now? I am so unlucky. The moment I didn't bring an umbrella, it would rain; that is when it rains.

One by one the students went home and it looked like all of the students did bring an umbrella today and I was the exception. Lately, I've been busy watching the boys love series maybe that's why I didn't get an update about the weather news. I wonder where would my friends be maybe they'd bring some umbrellas and maybe I can use some or just take shelter. But fate had another plan, I decided to take out my phone but it's dead bat. Later I felt some presence beside me and when I looked a it, it was my crush, it was Ryan.

He has a tall figure, his black hair is messy, his lips are red as a rose, and his skin is tan, his eyes are brown. His eyebrows are thick, his nose is a high bridge, and his arms are exposed by his t-shirt.

This is him;

"You stuck here?", he asked me 

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"You stuck here?", he asked me 

"Yes, I'm stuck here", I answered his question

"Here just use my umbrella, I'll just walk from here since my driver is over there waiting for me" After he said he instantly gave me his umbrella and he went to his car the got in and after that they drove away, leaving me speechless. Did my crush just talk to me and handed me his umbrella? 

A few minutes go by and the rain suddenly slows down and I immediately use this opportunity to go home I didn't have a hard time riding a jeep since some of the students went home earlier, and now it's starting to get dark which is not a good time for a student like me to go home especially if alone. As I rode the jeep I started to think that today I might come home late because of the heavy traffic due to the flood that was caused by the heavy rain earlier. I can't text right now because my phone is lowbat so maybe I'll just explain it to them later. 

The sky started to get darker and the lights from the houses and streets started to light up, and now I couldn't see any child playing outside I then got off the jeep and went straight to our house. I went to where everyone was located, the kitchen I mano them and directly sat on the chair placing my bag underneath me.

Anak you came home late today, why?", Papa asked.

"Ah, eh, yespo pa eh it's because there's heavy traffic due to the flood that was caused by the rain and also I got stuck at the waiting shed because today I didn't bring an umbrella. Luckily Ryan lent me some", I answered. 

Many minutes had passed our dinner was full of laughter mixed with love, and now we were done eating. Ate Maribel volunteered that she could wash and clean the dishes so I could go straight to my room and study. I obeyed her as I should and directly went straight to my room.

I wasted no time and suddenly proceeded to change my uniform into pajamas, as I was done changing someone knocked on my door I instantly opened it and to my surprise what I see is my rival, my classmate and worst my neighbor's name was James Su. His father is Chinese so no doubt that his surname is SU.

"What are you doing here?", I asked with a mix of annoyance in my tone

"I need your help, he said

"Ugh, yeah I know as always", I said with annoyance he then got in and closed the door we placed ourselves on the floor facing our textbooks and some school stuff.

We spent our time studying and I completely forgot that he was my rival, because I needed help also and I had no choice but to ask him thankfully he answered me right away. My parents and I ate Maribel didn't disturb us as I heard them walking around outside my room.

Hours passed and finally, we were done with our assignment, he said goodbye to me. After he goes out I then lay back on my bed and my eyes start to fall as if it has its own life, maybe it's because of the tiredness. Many seconds passed I passed out. 

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