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The smell of burning flesh consumes my nostrils with intensity, the high-pitched screams pollute the air making the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight. Those are his screams, I can feel the pain and agony coursing through his body, though I am not the one hurting, I can feel the pain in my chest and soul.

Make it stop.

But it doesn't stop, it intensifies, his screams get louder the closer I get to my destination. The smell is now burning my sinuses and chills run down my body. I hear something that wasn't there before; It's a chanting of some kind, Latin perhaps, it floods the air loud, growls coming from the same direction as the screaming.

Make it stop.

I walk closer, my body is aware of my surroundings but my mind is swept away into a wormhole of thoughts that could lead up to the situation I could walk into. What's happening? Why is he here? How did he get here?

Make it stop.

I turn the corner, and he sits there perfectly fine, but his blood curling screams continue. He sits there mouth closed with an eerie smile and his head tilted to the side. I realize he's not perfectly fine, he's as pale as a ghost, with dark under eyes; Behind his eyes is a hint of craziness, something that's never been there before, and the smile is creepily plastered on his face whilst a hint of blood spills out from his lips.

Make it stop.

I'm frozen in place, this is not him, this is an intruder, an imitator. His screams continued, I refused to believe this was him, I pull out my wand and pointed it at this imposter, and its eyes faltered.

"Who are you?" I question as it opened its mouth. A fountain of blood oozed out and splattered all over the floor and its clothes. Never once did it stop screaming, not even when the dark vile liquid came oozing out. The figure stood up, kept with the smile and tilted head, and moved towards me as though it was gliding.

Make it stop.

With my wand held firm and my feet solid on the ground, I stall as much as I can. Finding excuse after excuse and waiting for a plan of some sort to appear in my mind.

"You are not him. What are you and who sent you? Tell me."

The screaming abruptly stops and the smell immediately vanishes. Shadow figures appear from all around the room, the chants have been on a loop the whole time. I make out bits and pieces.


Ab intra

Igni ferroque

More ferarum


The Latin spell is repeated over and over, the shadows step closer and closer, united with the same movements at the same time. The chants are louder and clearer, I understand more words.

Nec spe, Nec metu

Amantium ire amors integratio est

The shadows are too close, it's cold.

The mimic is gone, vanished into thin air.

The shadows have no faces.

Some of them are longer then others.

There's too many of them.

I'm scared.

Where did he go?

Make it stop.

Then it stops.

Hey y'all.. its been a minute lol but im back trust this is the first chapter of a new book im starting  hope y'all like it lol~ Ari

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