Scar Part I

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She meandered through a small eastern town, listening to the breeze whisper its love through her long, platinum hair. Her tan skin absorbed the sunbeams that tried to beat her down. She always loved the hot weather, so all of the star's attempts were in vain. Her eyes had the tenderness and innocence of a red rose first awakening its petals to the cool morning dew that embraces the countryside yawning in its first, sleepy hours. Normally her crimson irises would burn red with determination, but today on this serene morning, they were just roses- roses who didn't know the growth of hideous thorns. Her dress was a deep blue ocean that ebbed and flowed with the currents of the air. Her pace quickened as she saw the end of this town and the beginning of the untarnished meadows. Unhindered by the rest of her busy world, she ran into the embrace of her lover- Nature.

She set herself down beneath a tall tree and let the power of her book take her away. She often marveled at literature's ability to open a doorway into another world free from the terrifying truth of reality. it was so easy to remove all of her problems, worries, and hardships and float in the realm she had chosen for herself. She would all too often lose so herself completely in her stories that she'd forget her world altogether, and as a result, time. Today was one such familiar instance when she looked up to see the sun greeting everyone with a golden goodnight kiss. Had she really been reading all day? This was a fair assumption considering she had finished the entire novel, and how wonderful it was too! Its words were masterfully crafted, and its plot tossed and turned her on the wings of a romance so daring and true.

Loneliness ate a hole in her heart. When would she be loved so completely? She was tired of waiting! Every time she saw a couple living her dream, her pulse was at war with itself whether to beat fast or slow- an indescribable ache. 

With a violent boom that split the sky and an intense blue light, she was thrown from her day-dreaming. A cloud of smoke billowed from a nearby ally. Her limbs jolted awake as they raced to keep up with each other.

Within seconds, she stood before the culprit. He was a massive figure with tan skin and white hair like hers. His coat beat around his waist in the after-breeze of his destruction. There he stood, tall and proud and solid like limestone in his convictions. 

She approached him with care, intimidated by the corpses he left in his wake. She raised her hands in a gesture of peace. The man saw the tattoos on her hands. Transmutation circles. She was and alchemist, and he hated her for it.  His scarred face wrinkled in disdain.

"Are you a State Alchemist." he asked already knowing what her answer would be.

"Yes," she responded, "W-why?"

"Alchemists have turned their backs to God and must pay for their heresy."

He walked slowly toward her. She kept stepping backward, but this was like a nightmare where you are trapped no matter how fast you run.

Two soldiers ran around the corner in barely enough time to save her from death, but this adversary was quick. Before they could even pull their guns, he had her in his grasp, placing a heavy hand on the back of her head.

"Come closer and she dies." His voice was a deep rumble as he spat the words. She trembled in his arms and began to feel the sting of tears. He threw her under his right arm as his left smacked the ground. The earth shook and exploded with chaos allowing the scarred man to escape with Evelyn as his hostage into a cloud of dust and rubble.

                                                                                    End of Part I

                                                                                to be continued...

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