Scar Part V

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The next morning, the two prepared to head east once more to Ishval. Even if one had sen the events of last night, the merriment of this campsite would seem peculiar, considering the solemn appearances both held for so long, but even the surprise of an onlooker would pale in comparison to the confusion- however wonderful it was- that Scar felt. Never since his childhood had he felt joy so unrestrained, and he was almost scared to explore the reason behind it. Though today, he knew, wouldn't end this way, for where they were going would destroy any true Ishvalan and reduce them to tears in an instant. Evelyn observed Scar's growing grimness.

"Are you okay?

"What?" He seemed to snap back from a haze. "Oh, yes." Her eyes narrowed at this unsatisfactory response.

"I'm not buying that. What's wrong?"

"Where were you during the war?" His tone wasn't that of accusation, but of genuine curiosity. 

"I was in Amestris."

"Did you gone back to our homeland after?"


"Why?" With this last question, he looked into her eyes. They were fire, but not a malicious flame. It burned pure, without contempt, but they nonetheless burned. Maybe the flame she felt was imagined, for she knew the reason why she had never gone back- fear. She hated to admit it to herself. Suddenly, the fire sparked in her heart and sent a searing pain up her body that made her face burn, She looked down in shame.

"I don't know," she said quietly, and with that, the discussion was dropped.

Throughout the day, Scar's demeanor faded from pleasant to the old, sullen look he so frequently carried as landmarks tormented him with the memories of past devastation. Memories of the fallen child, the war, losing his brother, his family, his people, all were swirling in his head, making sport of his emotions and pushing him to the brink of madness. 

Closing in on the lost city, he felt the terror all over again. The cries of the innocent sent a shock-wave from his ears that shattered everything inside of him. A once great civilization, home to countless righteous people, leveled in a matter of days. A single tear fell in tribute to the times past and to all the time lost to others. 

They stood on the edge of the valley. The deafening silence was broken by the breeze which was the only comfort to the eeriness below them. 

"This is it, huh?" Evelyn nervously asked. Scar simply nodded.

"All that's left of the Kanda district," he replied. He started down the valley, and Evelyn started after him. Carefully, they laid one foot in front of each other, paying close attention not to disturb the silence that threatened to swallow them up whole. Through the rubble, Evelyn could just make out places that were the focal points of her childhood. The old market place, the school, and, of course, the library, all she looked at was a skeleton at best. There was one structure left that she hoped would stand as a proud relic above this graveyard- the monastery. She quickened her pace eastward, meanwhile, a growing pain mounted. Her head was burning from the inside, and as she walked, new sensations pierced her all over her body. It was maddening. One minute, she was feeling a tightening pain in her chest, another was an unbearable burning throughout. Each moment was a new agony, and she struggled to keep walking. When she came up to a mountain of rubble, screams seemed to split the sky. In and out, she faded from reality. Images of her surroundings blurred and clarified. Only one thing was constant- the torturous screams. If she concentrated, she could hear what they said.

"Mommy! Where are you?!"

"God, please help us!"


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