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We have barely finished eating that I feel Nate starting to pass out on his chair.

"Hey" I push him gently on the arm "I think you should go get some sleep"

"Hmm, I'm... just..." he trails with difficulty, there is something wrong.

"Are you okay?" I ask and press my palm on his forehead, it's warm. "Nate look at me" I push on his arm again but he is barely reacting. I press on the bottom to call the nurse and after a moment they both enter the room "there is something wrong with him" I say feeling the worry rise inside me at the look of there faces and the way they rush toward him.

"бок" one of them says.

"Is he okay?" straighten up completely.

"анын курсагын тазалашыбыз керек"

"What is going on?" I almost shout at them as they pick him up and walk to the door

"акмак" the second glares at me before closing the door behind him.

I stand and follow them. My chest and throat start feeling weird and I'm afraid of getting a panic attack so I just focus on running after them to make sure they are trying to help but one of the guards stops me at the bottom of the stares.

"I need to know that he is okay" I yell but he just slowly shake is head no and put his hand on my stomach to gently push me back toward the stairs.

"What is going on?" I recognize Nate's uncle. I haven't seen him much since I was in the infirmary the majority of my time here but he came to see me the morning after I was brought here.

"Nathan is not okay, they took him and won't tell what he has." I explain.

The tall man takes a second to think before speaking "I will go check, you go back to your room."

"Did they drug him?"

"I said go back to your room" he insist but I don't give up.

"I need an answer" I call after him when he turns his back at me to leave. He stops, looks over his shoulder with an annoyed face then after a sigh, turns his head back in front of him

"He is going to be okay."

I finally exhale and take the path to where our rooms are. It's only when I take a sit on the bed that I realize my feet doesn't hurt anymore, but I can't tell since when. Nate was right, they have been drugging me, I barely remember the past few days expect for the fact that he came to see me everyday. Apart from that, it's a blank page.

I try not to worry too much as I get undress and head to the shower. I finally get to take a real shower after almost a week now but all I can think about is Nate. I don't know if I can trust these people. They didn't seem very nice when they came to take him not even to even to him. They don't like me, they healed me because they had to but still treated me like shit. I'd thought they'd be nicer to Nate. I try reassuring myself thinking about the fact that they all answer to his uncle, and he himself told me that Nate is going to be okay. I should trust him, but I can't help the doubt I have on the matter and the worry that tightens my heart.

I take all my time in the sower. Despite my lack of trust for for the people here, it's nice to be in a place where I can take an actual shower. I use the occasion to do as much care as I can, including shaving and dealing with my hair.

By the time I go back to my room, I notice through the small window that there is movement around one of the far building at the end of the huge garden. I can only see one side of it, and the guards I see running are all going on the side I can't see. I frown, wondering what could be the reason for all this regroupment and what could be in the buildings when one of the guard closer to my window looks up. I immediately move to hide against the wall. I think he saw me staring and I thinks staring could be a problem.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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