New Beginnings

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(1 year later)

The Morning Drive to South Park Elementary school has Lucas and Emily Taylor in the backseat of their parents' car, watching the small town of South Park pass by. The morning sun is casting a warm glow over the quiet town. The anticipation of their first day at a new school is palpable.

(Mr. Taylor glances in the rearview mirror)

Mr. Taylor: "Remember, today's just about getting a feel for things. Don't stress about it too much. It's a short week, and then it's summer vacation."

Emily: "It's kind of exciting. A new school means new friends, right?"

Lucas: "Yeah... it's just weird starting so late in the year. Everyone's already got their own thing going on."

(Mrs. Taylor turns in her seat to face their kids)

Mrs. Taylor: "You'll both do great. Just be yourselves, and you'll make friends in no time."

The car pulls into the parking lot of South Park Elementary. The siblings exchange a look—a mix of nerves and anticipation, before stepping out into the cool morning air. The school building looms ahead, familiar yet intimidating, as they walk Through the gate and towards the entrance. Inside, the Taylors are greeted by Principal Victoria, a woman with a warm smile and an air of authority, she shakes hands with the parents and then addressing to the siblings.

Principal Victoria: "Welcome to South Park Elementary school, Lucas and Emily. We're so happy to have you here with us, even if it's just for the last week of term. I'm sure you'll settle in pretty quickly around here."

Mrs. Taylor: "Thank you, Principal Victoria. They're a bit nervous, but I'm sure they'll be fine once they get settled in."

Principal Victoria: "Of course. Why don't I show you all around for a bit?" She says in a reassuring voice.

She leads them through the bustling hallways, pointing out key areas like the cafeteria and the gym.

Students are milling about, chatting, and gathering their books. The siblings feel the energy of the school but also their own nervousness about being the newcomers.

Principal Victoria: "Lucas, you'll be in Mr. Garrison's history class. And Emily, you'll be with Mrs. Cartman for English. They're just across the hall from each other, so you can meet up easily after class."

Lucas and Emily exchange a quick, encouraging glance before heading into their respective classrooms.

Lucas steps into Mr. Garrison's history classroom. The room quiets slightly as the students notice the new face. Mr. Garrison, with his usual disinterested expression, looks up from his desk.

Mr. Garrison: "You must be Lucas. Go ahead and take a seat anywhere." he says in a monotone.

Lucas scans the room and notices a group of students sitting together—Kyle, Stan, Wendy, and Butters. They glance at him curiously but remain focused on their own conversation. Lucas finds a seat near the middle, not too far from them, and tries to blend in.

Kyle: "New kid. Wonder where he's from." kyle whispers to stan.

(Stan glances over briefly)

Stan: "Dunno. Guess we'll find out." he responds.

Mr. Garrison begins the lesson, droning on about historical events that Lucas struggles to pay attention to. He's too aware of being the new kid and tries to figure out how to fit in.

South Park: Bloodlines, Book 2: New Horizons, Old ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now