Schools Out For Summer

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The final bell of the school year rang out, echoing through the halls of South Park Elementary like a chorus of freedom. Students erupted from their classrooms, laughter and shouts filling the air as they poured into the hallways, eager to begin their summer adventures. Among them were Tweek, Kyle, Stan, Wendy, and Butters, who walked together, their excitement palpable.

(Stan grins as he slung his backpack over his shoulder)

Stan: "Finally! Summer's here. I thought this day would never end."

Kyle: "Yeah, I'm so ready to get out of here. And the camping trip is going to be awesome."

Wendy: "It's going to be great. A week away from everything—just us, the lake, and the stars."

Butters: "I've never been camping before. I hope I don't forget anything important..."

Tweek: "Yeah... it's going to be fun, right? Just... fun."

As they walked toward the front entrance of the school, they spotted Lucas and Emily waiting for them outside, along with Clyde, Bebe, Red, Annie, and Token. The entire group had gathered, their voices blending together in a lively mix of conversation.

(Lucas waves them over)

Lucas: "Hey, guys! Ready for the best summer ever?"

Emily: "We've got everything packed and ready. It's going to be amazing."

The group gathered near the steps, their excitement building as they talked about their plans for the trip. An RV, driven by Officer Howard, was parked nearby, gleaming in the afternoon sun, and the sight of it only added to the anticipation.

(Clyde nudges Tolkien)

Clyde: "Dude, this is going to be so cool. An RV trip with all of us together!"

Tolkien: "Yeah, it's going to be epic. I've never been to a camping lodge before."

Bebe: "Just as long as there's somewhere to charge my phone, I'm good."

Red: "You and your phone, Bebe. We're going to be out in nature. It's supposed to be a break from all that!"

As they bantered back and forth, Officer Howard stepped out of the RV, his presence bringing a slight hush to the lively chatter. He looked at the group with a mix of fondness and concern, his gaze lingering on Tweek for a moment longer than the others.

Officer Howard: "I see you're all ready to go. Just remember what we talked about—stick together, keep an eye out for each other, and don't hesitate to call if you need anything."

Wendy: "We will, Officer Howard. Thanks for looking out for us."

Stan: "Yeah, we'll be careful. And we'll call if anything comes up."

Kyle: "We've got everything we need, and we'll be careful. Thanks for making sure we're all set."

Tweek: "Thanks... it's good to know you'll be checking in."

(Officer Howard places a hand on Tweek's shoulder)

Officer Howard: "You've got this, Tweek. Just enjoy yourself and try to relax. I'll be around if you need me."

The group exchanged a few more words with Officer Howard before turning their attention back to the RV. They began loading their bags into the vehicle, the excitement mounting with each passing moment. The RV was spacious, with enough room for everyone to sit comfortably, and the sight of it filled them with a sense of adventure.

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