What Lies Below

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The air around the lodge was thick with tension as the group gathered their thoughts. Wendy, still kneeling next to Red, exchanged glances with the others. The recent events had them on edge, and now with Clyde gone, they were left with even fewer of them to face whatever lay ahead.

Stan: "We have to find Bebe. She's the only one we haven't seen for hours."

Butters: "W-what if she's... she's already dead?"

Kyle shook his head, determination etched on his face

Kyle: "We don't know that yet. We stick together, and we search every inch of this place."

Tweek twitched nervously, glancing at the door. Lucas notices his, he walks up to Tweek and places a hand on his shoulder

Lucas: "We will all get through this, Okay Tweek?"

Tweek: "I know but its just I've been through a similar situation like this before with few of the other people in this lodge last year, we suffered great losses, had betrayals and I'm afraid someone in this lodge might be part of this, I don't even know who to trust anymore, I thought after last years incident happened, it was finally over and I can live a normal life again without any worry's but I suppose was wrong."

Lucas: "I know and I know you don't trust me or my sister Emily because we turned up out of nowhere and took you guys here but I promise you, we will find out who's behind this and end it once and for all, okay?"

Tweek Nods and then looks back at the door, Kyle stepped forward, his voice quiet but firm.

Kyle: "Let's not waste time. The longer we wait, the worse it might get. We don't know what Bebe's situation is."

Everyone gathered their things, preparing to step back into the woods, knowing the killer could still be out there. Wendy looked down at Red, who was resting but still conscious, and gave her a soft pat on the shoulder.

Wendy: "I'll stay with her. You all go ahead. Just... be careful."

Stan turned towards the door.

Stan: "Alright. Let's move."

The group set out as one, moving through the thick forest in silence, each of them hyper-aware of the surrounding trees. The sun had dipped below the horizon, leaving the woods cloaked in darkness, save for the thin beams of their flashlights.

Kyle: "Stay close. The killer could be anywhere..."

Butters: "I hope Bebe is ok"

Stan: "Don't think the worst but prepare for anything, we don't know if she is part of this or not, remember last year, we never thought craig or Kenny was part of it but they was so just keep an eye open"

Lucas: "if Bebe isn't part of this, I hope she's still alive"

Suddenly, a rustling noise broke through the quiet. They all froze, shining their lights in the direction of the sound.

Emily: "Did you hear that?"

Stan's heart pounded in his chest as he turned to the others, signalling for them to get ready. Without warning, a figure appeared in the shadows, moving swiftly towards them. The masked killer.

Stan: "RUN!"

Panic set in, and the group scattered into the woods, sprinting for their lives. The killer gave chase, a gleaming blade reflecting in the moonlight. Kyle, Tweek, and Lucas dashed in one direction, while Stan, Butters, and Emily veered off to the other side. Kyle, Tweek, and Lucas ran as fast as they could, adrenaline surging through their veins. The masked killer was close behind, their footsteps heavy against the dirt. Kyle tried to lead them away from the others, hoping to draw the killer away.

South Park: Bloodlines, Book 2: New Horizons, Old ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now