Twisted Ultimatum

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The forest was eerily silent after Red's scream had pierced the air. Tweek's heart pounded in his chest as he and Kyle ran through the trees, the crunch of leaves and snapping twigs the only sounds cutting through the unsettling quiet. The fading light of the setting sun cast long, twisting shadows across the ground, making the forest feel more closed in with every step.

Tweek: "Kyle... what if something happened to them?"

Kyle: "We don't know anything yet. Let's just find them."

Stan, Wendy, Butters, Emily, Lucas, Clyde, Tolkien and Bebe were right behind them, all driven by a gnawing sense of dread. They pushed through the underbrush until finally, they reached the spot where they had heard the scream. The area was eerily quiet, the trees casting long shadows across the forest floor.

Wendy: "Where... where are they?"

The group scanned the clearing, their eyes darting between the trees, but there was no sign of Red or Annie. The air was thick with tension, the fading daylight casting an ominous glow over the scene.

Stan: "They were right here! We heard the scream!"

Emily: "Maybe they went back to the lodge. Maybe Red went to get help."

Butters: "B-but what if they're lost? Or worse?"

Just as they were about to turn back, Stan froze, his eyes locked on something in the shadows at the edge of the clearing. He stepped forward slowly, his breath catching in his throat.

Stan: "Guys... over here." he said quietly.

The group followed him to the edge of the trees, and that's when they saw her—Annie, lying motionless on the ground in two halves, her body caught in a crude snare. The thin piece of sharp wire had cut straight through her waist, and the color had drained from her face.

Wendy: "Oh my God... Annie..."

Tweek: "Where's Red? Where did she go?"

But there was no sign of Red. Only the lifeless body of Annie, abandoned in the shadows of the forest.

Clyde: "Where's Red?! She was just with Annie! She couldn't have gone far!"

The group quickly realized that something far worse than an accident had happened. Red was missing, and Annie was dead. They didn't know what—or who—had set the trap, but whatever it was, it was deliberate.

Kyle: "We have to get back to the lodge, now!" he says urgently.

They wasted no time. Grabbing Annie's body, they hurried back through the woods, fear gnawing at the edges of their minds. The atmosphere, once calm and serene, now felt hostile. Every snapping twig and rustle of leaves sent their hearts racing. When they finally reached the lodge, the group rushed inside, slamming the door behind them. The dim light of the evening crept through the windows, casting long shadows across the walls.

Stan: "We need to call Officer Howard. We need help." says while trying to catch his breath.

(Lucas checks the radio)

Lucas: "There's nothing—no signal. We're cut off."

Tweek: "What do we do? What if Red's out there... hurt?"

South Park: Bloodlines, Book 2: New Horizons, Old ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now