Unfamiliar Faces

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Tweek stepped out of his house into the crisp morning air, the weight of his backpack pressing lightly against his shoulders. The sun was just starting to peek over the mountains, casting a pale light over the quiet streets of South Park. Tweek paused at the end of his driveway, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves before starting the short walk to school. Each step felt heavier than the last as he replayed the conversation from his therapy session the day before. Dr. Marsh had assured him that he was making progress, but the ever-present anxiety that gripped his chest didn't seem to be loosening its hold. He shook his head, trying to focus on the rhythm of his footsteps instead. The familiar sound of a car engine caught his attention, and Tweek glanced over his shoulder. A police car was slowly cruising down the street. As it approached, the driver's side window rolled down, revealing the friendly face of Officer Howard.

(Officer Howard calls out)

Officer Howard: "Morning, Tweek!"

Tweek stopped, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. He wasn't expecting to see Officer Howard this early.

Tweek: "M-Morning, Officer Howard." Tweek asked nervously.

The car pulled over to the side of the road, and Officer Howard stepped out, adjusting his cap as he approached Tweek. There was a gentle concern in his eyes, the kind that Tweek had grown accustomed to seeing over the past year.

Officer Howard: "Mind if I walk with you to school? It's been a while since we've had a chat."

Tweek hesitated, his mind racing with the usual worries—what would they talk about? What if he said the wrong thing? But he nodded, unable to find a reason to say no.

(Tweek Shrugs)

Tweek: "S-Sure, I guess."

As they started walking together, the streets of South Park seemed unusually quiet. Tweek kept his gaze on the sidewalk, occasionally glancing up at Officer Howard, who walked beside him with a calm, measured pace.

Officer Howard: "How've you been holding up, Tweek? I know the anniversary of last year's events is coming up. It's okay if you're feeling a bit off."

Tweek felt his chest tighten at the mention of last year. His mind flashed to the terrifying memories he'd been trying to suppress—the shadows that lurked in every corner of his thoughts.

Tweek: "I-I'm okay. I mean... I'm trying to be. Dr. Marsh says I'm doing better, but it's still... hard."

Officer Howard: "It's understandable. What you went through would shake anyone up. But you've got a lot of people who care about you, Tweek. And I'm always around if you need anything." he says sympathetically.

Tweek managed a small smile, appreciating the officer's concern, even if it didn't completely ease his anxiety.

Tweek: "Thanks... that means a lot."

They walked in silence for a few moments, the school now coming into view at the end of the street. As they reached the gates, Officer Howard paused, turning to face Tweek.

(Officer Howard places a hand on Tweeks shoulder)

Officer Howard: "Take things one day at a time. And remember, if anything feels off, don't hesitate to reach out. We're all here to help."

South Park: Bloodlines, Book 2: New Horizons, Old ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now