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"𝐎𝐇 𝐌𝐘 𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃." ella toone says to both alessia russo and indiyah, after the three of them ate dessert "for real, i think that's the best dessert i've ever had." indiyah nods, "if it's like this every night sign me up." they all chuckle, before they decided to head back to their room, the trio deciding to share a room for the week.

"i am knackered." alessia says as they walk throughout camp "gosh one day here and this is what it does?" indiyah scoffs, shaking her head, not even a day exact, it's been a few hours "i dont think i can do training tomorrow." ella groans as they trudge up into the room, flopping onto the bed "my god." indiyah laughs, to be honest she wasn't tired like the others, i mean to be fair she did sleep on the car ride there, but in her defence it was a long drive.

"what would you say if i turned into a blade of grass?" ella says, the trio were led down on their backs, asking stupid questions "are you alright in the head?" alessia scoffs, glancing over to ella "no? honestly like randomly say it just happens.. during training, what would you do..?" she says, not bothering to look at the other two who were staring at ella weirdly "would i know that you turned into one..?" alessia says, making indiyah snicker "you ask too many questions." she groans, "and you don't? i'm going to sleep cause i can't take this anymore." alessia laughs softly, before wrapping herself in her blanket "me too, but my questions were reasonable." ella yawns, turning off the lamp next to her bed, "yeah sure they were." leaving indiyah alone with her thoughts.

see the thing with indiyah was that she was a huge overthinker, and this night exactly it troubled her, she didn't see even know what the reason was, indiyah took one thought and just branched off it, and now she was struggling to get to sleep, rolling over and over to the point where she was uncomfortable in her bed.

and what does she do when she can't sleep? i mean usually she'd go on a walk out her house and into town, but now they werent there, "god." she groans, getting up from her bed, trying to take a glance to the two girls who were on their own bed, failing miserably because of the poor lighting, before stumbling around to find her sliders that were placed by the door, almost falling over twice.

as she snuck out the door, she began to just take in the scenery, a small smile on her face doing so, and to even breath near this place was an honour. indiyah was too deep in her thoughts to realise someone had been whispering her name for the past few minutes "indiyah! indiyah!" kobbie tries to call after her, increasing his pace slightly, before the girl finally turns around "kobbie? what are you doing out here?" she furrows her eyebrows, a small smile on her face "well.. our rooms are like next to each other and i heard someone come out and then cole was scared for some reason, then i went out to check and saw you." kobbie smiles, looking down to see indiyah was dressed in her pyjamas "yeah sorry bout this." indiyah hints to what she was wearing "wasn't expecting anyone to be out." she chuckles

"don't worry about it, i don't blame you." kobbie chuckles with her, a small smile left on his face "what are you doing up now anyway? i swear you're off for a match early morning tomorrow." it was true, they had a friendly against denmark the following day, at wembley. "cole wouldn't shut up, like when i thought he was done talking his mouth opened again." kobbie chuckles, shaking his head "seems in character." she smiles at his explanation "he literally said what he would do if he was a girl for the day, very detailed by the way." he says, scrunching his nose up as he mentioned the conversation "i hope it was sweet things." indiyah chuckles as the pair walked throughout camp "quite the opposite."

after awhile of walking and talking, kobbie came to realise how much he actually enjoyed talking to indiyah, i mean usually after the video he would think it was a one off, but the young boy found himself wanting to talk to her, it was strange he only just met her hours beforehand and she was always on his mind, and he was too blind to not notice her before all this.

"oo! are you going to that weird party thing they're throwing after the game." indiyah remembers, kobbie nodding "i really dont wanna go." he furrows his eyebrows, kobbie wasnt a huge fan of parties, ever since he was young. "come on, i say it would be quite fun, i managed to convince my friends to come along aswell, thankfully." she says, making kobbie come to a realisation, could cole be right about this whole stupid three man thing? i mean sure it sounded weird coming out of cole's mouth, but more as the day went on it felt like it was all made up, quickly indulging himself back into their conversation once again "

really? and what friends?" kobbie says, as if he didn't have a clue on who it was "that sounds backhanded kobbie." indiyah chuckles at her comment, making him snicker "it wasn't supposed to sound like that." he waves his hand, "like what are their names." kobbie says, still chuckling "i get you, it's layla and ikra." indiyah replies, looking up at kobbie. oh my god. this whole conversation was confusing him, and he wasn't up for thinking this much at a silly hour "ohh alright, are they back in manchester?" kobbie says calmly, "yep, but they decided to come down for the day, cant go a day without me." indiyah nods

the more the two talked and walked, it seemed like they had been friends for ages. i mean if you saw them out in public you'd think they were best friends, it was sweet "and then shes been pushing me and talking all about how i'm a 'bad player' and all that shit all game and expects me to let her? no way." indiyah was mid explaining her story, and if kobbie was 100% honest he couldn't focus on the conversation, he didn't even know why, "and then she just pushes me over when i don't even have the ball, so i give her a piece of my mind and just smoke her jaw, still proud of that." that sentence peaked his attention, i mean kobbie never striked her to be the aggressive type, she was sweet out the game, but clearly not in it "no way? what did she do after?" kobbie laughs, his eyebrows raising slightly "i mean she couldn't really do anything will the players starting to surround us, but in my opinion i won that."

"agreed, if she's giving you talk all game and expects nothing back? deserves it." kobbie says, chuckling at the look on the girls face "i'll have to see your punch tomorrow morning." kobbie adds, a soft smile on his face, before he feels a buzz in his pocket

"it's cole, he said he's getting scared how i haven't come back yet." kobbie furrows his eyebrows as he reads the message, "didnt take cole as the scared guy." indiyah says, shaking her head "i said ill be back now, do you wanna walk up with me? don't want you out here alone." kobbie says, placing his phone back into his pocket "yeah sure, i think i can get to sleep now." she yawns in return as the pair make their way back to their rooms, going back into another conversation.

had to make the cuties besties before the party🙏

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