Chapter 7

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Wifey (Thavel) was terrified.

She was used to being in the forest, but not the human forest, which was much more unforgiving. In just the last 10 minutes, she had been attacked by 12 different monsters.

"Find Grace's Pills."  She kept repeating in her head. 

There was a pharmacy on the way from the store to the house, and she just hoped they had them.

"HAHAHAHHA!" Someone yelled from behind her, and Thavel instinctively scratched at the air which basically sent the person flying back into the side.

They hit a dumpster (didn't fall in, though) and groaned.

She ran the rest of the way to it. As a Wendigo, she could run faster, and so she had to have her horns, fur, and tail all grow to run faster.

"Just find them. They've got to be around here somewhere- HRRGH!" She thought as her horns got stuck on the sign of the pharmacy.

She fell, and immediately got up and looked at the pharmacy. It was a small building, sure, but it was still there.

Once she walked in, it was apparently that it wasn't just a pharmacy, it was a house because it was clean. Like, very clean.

It looked like no body had entered the place in at least a month.

"What do you want!" A voice yelled from behind the counter. They were small, and looked angry.

"I want some... of... uh, this." She said ad showed the old pill bottle, now completely empty.

"How many, eh?" They yelled.


She wasn't expecting it to be that easy. It was just 5 dollars, and as she walked back once the monsters saw her, they ran.

So she walked calmly, the bag hanging in between her fingers. It swung back and forth, and soon she was back where she started.

Everything was calm and casual. She unlocked the door, and suddenly:

Chaos everywhere in the house.

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