Chapter 10

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After a whole two hours of just chilling with Circle and Bloomie, and even relaxing a bit by herself for a few hours.

The only thing was that Thavel needed to wait a bit before she could relax. After all... there was an unexpected visit from... someone..

[[Emily's POV]]

I woke up in the middle of the forest. Not even a clearing, just the middle of the fucking forest. (I bet Oliver got a whole ass clearing... /j)

I looked down at the floor and- OH MY GOD!!!!! BUGS. EVERYWHERE!!!!!! Eww!!!!

I wiped as many bugs away as possible. (Which wasn't enough.) I could feel a bunch of legs crawling on me, but I just pulled out my survival bag.

It had enough food for 2 days, bandages, BUG SPRAY ❤️, a bunch of water, and my cell phone.

I got a bit of water, used that sweet bug spray and trudged through the forest. I had heard of this place before. It was called the "saol beo" ("living world"). Not the world, but the forest, because it was as big as a world, and it was very living.

I'm... confused. Why am I in the colored world? Why me? Why now? Just straight up Why?

I'm just hoping that I'm going the right way out of the forest... I was just following the light, until it got... bright. 


I was so excited to of have made it out! First try, too!

And then I saw... ugh... Oliver. Wait... Oliver?

He went inside, holding Abbie, for some reason... although I saw a glimpse of him. Covered in scratches, blood coming out of most.

Poor him... I'll beat up Oliver. Whatever happened, it was his fault.

I was about to call to him when he walked in and locked the door, probably on purpose. I groaned, of course. 

I had no choice but to circle around the house for a bit. Well, I stopped watching as soon as I heard Thavel even from outside. Once I heard the door open and Circle run in, she was about to call to me -I mean I was very obvious- when she realized what I was doing.

"...t e x t  w h a t  h a p p e n e d  l a t e r..." Circle whisper-yelled.

I went back to using my super cool, super accurate lip reading talents. Here's what I heard:

T: "Get the fuck in the car, Mister (?) Sasha will take care of the shits. I need to help her."

B: "Bitch. You have been taking care of those motherfuckers for too long. Get in the car. We're getting food and relaxing, got it, bbg? ❤️ 

T: "Fuck off. You're just a friend."

(See? I'm soooo talented.)

I slowly pulled out my phone. I couldn't hold it back.

Bloomie's phone dinged and she looked around the room, before looking directly into my eyes.

Bloomie groaned.

"They should start making lip reading classes more expensive so people like you can't get them."  She answered.

"I'm self taught!" I muttered, mostly to myself.

"That would explain a lot..." Bloomie paused and gasped.

She stared directly above me. "What's wrong?" I asked, with no. Fucking. RESPONSE. I turned around and saw the myth, the legend...









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AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHH ALMOST 1000 READS!?!?!? I'm so happy :D Okay now I must go Mirmirs bc it's 3 AM as I write thissss

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⏰ Last updated: 3 hours ago ⏰

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