Chapter 3

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Abbie ran as fast as he could through the forest. He was one thing, terrified. 

She continued to chase him, and he yelled out in pain as he fell. He turned and noticed her standing over him, before slashing his left eye, despite this, he ran away.

His legs burned. The trees scratched everything that was in their reach, but he didn't stop. He couldn't.

She screeched in anger and Abbie regretted this. He regretted everything, and ran her screeched were drowned by gunshots as he knew exactly what has happened, but he still continued to run, he ran all the way to a clearing and collapsed on the floor.

Everything hurt and his muscles- especially his leg muscles- were sore. His whole body trembled, but he looked up and noticed two standing over him.

A girl with long brown hair with a blue visor on her head and a Girl Scout sash across her chest. She gasped.

The boy next to her had on a black box on his head, securing the view from his face. Despite how his face was covered, Abbie could sense how shocked and panicked he was.

The girl squatted down and picked up one of his arms, the boy doing the same, but on the other arm.

Using this method, they successfully dragged him over to a tree stump. She pulled out a med kit, as the boy started rapid firing questions.

"Are you okay? Who are you? Who did this? Why did they do this?" He noticed how despite the color his accessories were still paper. 

"What are you?" He asked.

Abbie simply said "I'm not from here. I need to get back."

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