Gangster's wife(husband)

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here's my promise to post today

mafia au/music au


In the early hours of a bustling city, George sat hunched over a worn-out piano in the dimly lit corner of a smoky bar. His fingers danced across the yellowed keys, bringing to life a melody that seemed to speak of lost love and forgotten promises. A solitary figure, his eyes remained closed as the notes filled the room, weaving a tale of pain and regret that echoed through the empty glasses and silent whispers of the night.

The bar's patrons paid him little mind, their focus drawn to the hushed conversations and shady deals that unfolded beneath the glow of flickering neon lights. Among them, a sharply dressed man named Dream observed George from the shadows. He recognized the tune, one that seemed to resonate with the very essence of his own tumultuous life. The song, "Gangster Wife," was a poignant reminder of the path he had chosen and the sacrifices he had made.

Dream approached the piano, his footsteps silent on the sticky floor. He leaned in, his gaze locked onto George's trembling hands. "You play that like it's your heart's cry," he said, his voice a smooth blend of velvet and gravel.

George's eyes snapped open, revealing a storm of emotions. He took a shaky breath before speaking, "It's the only thing that keeps me going."

Dream studied him for a moment, the melody of the piano becoming a backdrop to their conversation. "You've got a gift, kid," he said, his voice laced with a hint of something that George couldn't quite place. "But playing in dives like this isn't going to get you anywhere."George's eyes narrowed, his pride stung by the implication. "It's all I know," he murmured defensively, his voice carrying the weight of his past.

Dream's gaze softened slightly. "I'm not saying you don't belong here," he clarified, raising a hand to still any objections. "But there's more to life than playing for the dregs of society. You've got potential, something that could be cultivated into something... extraordinary."

The unspoken promise in Dream's words intrigued George. He had heard such things before, whispers of a brighter future that always seemed to vanish like smoke in the wind. But there was something different about this man, something that made him want to believe.

Dream slid a business card across the piano, the edges slightly frayed. "Come see me tomorrow, at my club. Play for me again, and I'll show you what I mean." He gave George a knowing smile before turning to leave, the door swinging shut behind him, letting in a brief gust of cool air that carried the scent of the city's secrets.

George picked up the card, the weight of it feeling heavier than it should. The "Dream's Serenade" logo emblazoned in gold glitter caught the light, reflecting an image of a saxophone intertwined with a rose. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was a pivotal moment in his life, a fork in the road that could lead to either a dead end or a path to redemption.

The rest of the night passed in a blur as George played out the last of his set, his thoughts racing. Dream's words had stirred something within him, a long-dormant hope that maybe, just maybe, he could break free from the cycle of despair that had become his life. The song "Gangster Wife" took on a new meaning, no longer just a sad tune but a declaration of intent, a silent rebellion against the fate that seemed to have him in its clutches.

The next day, George found himself standing outside "Dream's Serenade," his heart pounding like the bass of a jazz ensemble. The club was a stark contrast to the bar he played in, gleaming with opulence and an air of exclusivity that made him feel like he didn't belong. Yet, the memory of Dream's promise propelled him forward, his fingertips lingering on the cool metal of the door handle before pushing it open.

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