Chapter Twenty-six Son Of Flame, Child Of Wind

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Chapter Twenty-six

Son Of Flame, Child Of Wind

Having to attend school the night after a party like the one they'd been at was not a good thing and it was even worse for Daniel and Megan. For reasons only they knew, Daedalus had chosen not to turn up at school the following day. Both Dang and Dante were there but the doppelgangers were blessed with an incredible metabolism which meant liquor did next to nothing to either of them.

Unfortunately, neither one of Daniel nor Megan shared this gift. This only mattered for Daniel since he was the only one who'd had anything to drink of the two and as a consequence, his head throbbed as he and Megan trudged into the Physics lab. Megan had been doing their best all morning to not burst out laughing at Daniel but it was getting harder and harder for them to do so.

They headed to a table in the back of the Physics lab. Daniel sat and rested his head on the table, preparing himself to drift off to sleep. Dante and Dang joined them at the table, the two of them chuckled as they sat.

"Long night?" Dante asked, his voice filled with mischief and sarcasm. A loud thud occurred as he intentionally dropped a textbook on the table, much harder than he'd needed to.

Daniel groaned and sat up, staring at Dante with an expression of annoyance. "I hate you so much."

"I didn't even think it was possible for you to get tired," Dang said. "You're all over the place all the time. Seeing you like this is weird. How much did you have to drink again?"

"Not a lot," Daniel shook his head. "Just two cups. Something tells me Scott might have accidentally given me the stronger stuff."

'"If Scott gave you the strong stuff, it wasn't accidental, trust me," Dante snorted. "Don't you have like a whole regeneration thing going? Just shake the effects off."

"I don't think my regeneration ability works like that," Daniel sighed. He buried his face in his hands and groaned. He glanced at Megan. "Tell me again why you convinced me to come in for class today? I could be home right now, lying in bed, sound asleep. I have no reason to be here."

"Do you want to get your grades up or not?" Megan asked.

"Ugh," Daniel groaned.

Dante tapped his shoulder in a friendly way. "Just shake it off, champ. How hard can it be?"

"Never again," Daniel sighed.

"It's what they all say," Megan snorted.

Physics class went by and while it was absolutely dreadful for Daniel, he'd made a full recovery by noon and was back to his usual perky self. Dang, on the other hand, had excused himself from school without explanation between the second and third period.

"You're his doppelganger, right?" Daniel asked Dante once he noticed Dang's absence at lunch. "Can't you like talk to him and figure out what's going on? You know how we've been searching for Arkanis since the fight, you don't think there's a chance that he–you know–,"

"He's not possessed," Dante cut Daniel off before he could continue with that conspiracy. "He's just, I don't know, occupied or something."

"Well, he better not be possessed," Daniel scoffed. "I don't know about you but I am NOT a fan of possessions in movies and sure as hell won't like them in real life! Also, could I have your hot dog, please?"

Dante stared down at the last hot dog on his plate. He shrugged and pushed the plate toward Daniel. "Sure, help yourself," he said.

While Daniel ate, Dante had somewhat of an absent-minded expression on his face. When lunch came to an end, Dante rose to his feet and announced: "I'm going to head on to the observatory, go check if Dang's there, see if everything's good with him."

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