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Dang circled the cave, trying to keep as much distance as possible between him and Grimm. These past few minutes were the most annoying in his entire life. At the very least, in the top three.

A murderbot flew straight at him and he dodged and watched as it slammed itself into the cave ceiling. A couple of stalactites broke loose and Dang got an idea. He snatched them out of the air and threw them with all his might in the direction of the two murderbots that chased after him in lieu of the death of their friend.

The stalactites shot through the air, whistling as they pierced through the robots causing them to explode.

Jets of flame erupted from his feet propelling him through the air, while he kept his eyes on the multiple threats before him; Grimm, the monster, who wouldn't be much of a problem if it weren't for threat number two: Caden, and Kai. Two threats he couldn't afford to ignore. And lastly, the murderbots, and the hole they were digging that was barely big enough to let more than a couple of robots pass through at once.

"You didn't think this plan of yours through, did you?" Caden called from below, "You're outnumbered and outgunned. If I were you, I'd start thinking of an escape plan...but even that would be futile. You're going to die here and I'm going to make sure of it."

"Escape?" Dang scoffed, "Do you even know me at all?"

Dang changed his course in the air, flying straight up. He approached the ceiling but didn't slow down, instead doing the opposite.

He sped up.

Dang roared as he slammed a fist into the ceiling, sending out a shockwave across it's surface, and breaking off all the stalactites hanging down from it. He chased after them as they fell, and kicked them with all his might.

The first one shattered on impact.

"Shit..." he muttered, as he tried again with another one, this time holding back some of his strength and getting it right.

His kick sent the stalactite shooting through the air, straight at the hole the murderbots were boring, plugging it up. He kicked a couple more downwards, at Caden and Kai, but it instead collided with a green force field.

Kai sent him a mischievous grin.

Dang moved through the air, from stalactite to stalactite, delivering kick after kick, sending them shooting straight at Grimm, who made no effort to defend himself. Most of them shattered as soon as they came into contact with his skin but a few pierced it, and Grimm roared.

But it wasn't a regular roar.

A wave escaped from him, combing through the air and attacking his surroundings. Even Dang from high above wasn't safe. The wave hit him and brought with it a wave of pain and his entire body trembled under the pressure of the roar. His skin crawled, his vision doubled and his ears popped, due to the change in pressure of the cave.

He momentarily lost control of the flames underneath him and they went out, and he plummeted, crashing into the Earth with excessive force. Dust and debris rose in the wake of his collision, leaving him in a crater.

He groaned as he pushed himself onto one knee and coughed, a warm crimson liquid escaping his lips.

What the hell was that? he thought to himself.

"That was one of Grimm's signature moves." Caden answered, as though he could read Dang's mind, "Paralyzing Scream. A personal favorite. He uses the scream to stun his opponents, and then beats the crap out of them."

Dang Convergence Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now