[The episode begins the next morning after Sensei and the twins came back to Millennium Science School at night. They regroup in the Game Development Department and explain everything to Club President Yuzu.]
Yuzu: (shocked face) Wha!? Arisu disappeared?!
Midori: Yep. The security camera footage showed her getting up and walking out.
Yuzu: D-Do we know where she went?
Momoi: No, the video stopped right as she was in front of the exit.
Midori: We already gave the corrupted video file to Veritas to look at, but...
[The scene transitions to the Veritas Clubroom where Chihiro is the one speaking to them.]
Chihiro: Thanks for visiting Veritas, Sensei. It's good to see you back at Millennium again. Something wrong? Ah right, you never saw me this early in the year until Valentine's Day. Fortunately, I was called back from my scheduled security consultations by the Seminar to prioritize the mission on the "repeat phenomenon." You remember President Himari? She's leading the research team to study the event. Meanwhile, Veritas is overseeing data recovery and restoring missing intel compiled from the previous loop.
Maki: Ugh... why is it so impossible?
Hare: Our mental experiences from last year couldn't have prepared us for the newest update.
Kotoma: ...I found several openings where it's possible to obtain maximum results, but the amount of timing and effort to pull it off is extremely high.
Chihiro: As you can see, Veritas is completely swamped with organizing work we started at the beginning of the year. There's also inputting the data logs and intel that everyone remembered from the previous year and-
BA+ Volume 2: Clockwork Flower Pavane+ Chapter 1: Retromania Redux
Adventure(Version Alpha 0.1) "Oh hero, you have returned to us!" Sensei restarts their adventures in the Game Development Department where they announce the arrival of New Game Plus. However, as the adventure restarts, old tensions have been ignited, things...