Episode 22: A Hero's late return

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[The episode back inside the digital world of the lone chair where Arisu rested. Kei stands by herself with her eyes closed and a dark silhouette standing next to her.]

???: Hmm

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???: Hmm... Looks like she made it. Time to wake this one up. *snaps fingers*

Kei: (standing triumphant + opens eyes) Finally, the Atra-Hasis is ready and all who stand or stood in the Princess's way is eliminated... The Princess's goal shall soon be realized!

Kei: (realization) ...What? What happened?

???: You lost, that's what happened.

[Mili reappears in front of Kei inside the mindscape.]

Mili: What you witnessed was scripted dialogue from the Tales Saga Chronicle game.

Kei: !!?

Mili: And the next you'll say-

Mili & Kei: You're supposed to be dead!

Mili: And after that-

Mili & Kei: Wait, where's the princess?

Kei: !!?

Mili: She already left, five minutes ago to be exact. Said something about her "Hero" attributes kicking in to save the day...

Kei: (confused face) ...

Mili: Speechless? Can't figure out the right algorithm response for me? If you're still wondering what happened, you were stuck in a simulation designed by yours truly. To sum up, you haven't moved a single step from where you've been standing.

Mili: I made it super obvious~ it was simulated. There were the script cues, transition screens, and the cheesy announcer voice by me. All it took to break out was accepting the memory of Tales Saga Chronicle, instead, the simulation replayed over and over until you were satisfied with the world. Face it, you lost the moment you challenged me, Kei-chan. Besides, you're still a MILLION years too young to be outplaying me.

Kei: (defeated expression) That's... impossible. I was built as an advanced intelligence of Divi:Sion...

Mili: I have to say, her memories and yours were in a complete mess when they appeared. Since both of you share the same system, it's no wonder they got jumbled up after you forced your way into her body. Sheesh, the amount of time to separate and restore them was like fixing two jigsaw puzzles mixed inside the same box.

[Mili starts getting closer to Kei...]

Mili: Don't worry, I didn't take a single peak. It's probably too many spoilers ahead anyway. Besides, I prefer to play games and watch their stories unfold by myself.

[Mili steps in point black range to Kei. Kei snaps out of her trace and realizes how close her adversary is.]

Kei: (scared face) Wha- What are you planning?

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