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No one's POV.

"I'm sorry" Han starts off, "I messed up, I really did. I should've explained myself and told you the truth since the beginning.." Han continues to add on.

Tears start rolling down his face, "I just..I love you so much, and seeing the pain I caused you.." Han gets interrupted by Minhos hand. Minho starts wiping off his tears of his face.

Han looks at Minho, with tears filling up his eyes. You can see the shine in his eyes. "I'm sorry too." Minho says, Han isn't sure what Minho has to apologize for.

"I pushed you away and didn't let you explain yourself. It's just, hard for me. You coming back randomly after two years is a lot for me to process." Minho explains

Han who still has tears in his eyes just stays quiet and looks straight and Minho. He doesn't know what to say in that moment.

Minho stops wiping Hans tears away and just stands still for a while, and Han just looks down. "It's been so hard for me to be without you, I've loved you since the moment I saw you. Han Jisung, I love you and I've never stopped loving you, even after everything. What I said before, I didn't mean it. Because the truth is, even if you can live without me...I can't live without you. I don't want to send you away again. I finally have you in my arms, all I want to do is be with you and care for you. I'm still confused about the whole situation and I'm trying so hard to forgive you. But Han I love you, so I would do anything for you. If that means having to push aside my ego and pushing aside everything else then I will do so. Just make me understand you."

Minho waits for Hans responds, but he stays quiet. The silence filling the air..

Han takes a deep breath "I would do anything for you Minho, and I'm sorry. I have always loved you, and I don't think I'll ever stop." You can hear Han trying not to cry while speaking. "I won't leave you, ever again." Han finished.

Minho started to get teary. Minho started to get nervous. He smiled at Han, and Han smiled back at him.

"After all this time, you have been the only human that I've ever loved. You will continue to be the only person that I'll ever love. No matter how much you hurt me, it's always been you. When we started dating you have made me the happiest and the most loving boyfriend to me. Even after what happened earlier, you still said yes to seeing me again. Han jisung i love you and I want to make sure that you really won't leave me again." Minho says...

Han just looks at Minho with the pure eyes of love. He loves hearing Minho express his feelings,

Minho gets down on one knee, "I love you, more than you could ever know. Even if now our feelings are all over the place. There is only one thing I've been certain about, and that's you." Minhos has was shaking he was looking up at Han.

Han was smiling and crying at the same time, he was shocked that it was happening now.

"So Han jisung, Will you marry me?" Minho said smiling

It stayed silent for a few seconds.

"I would love to marry you Minho." Han said smiling and Minho put the ring on his hand and he got up and they both kissed.

What Hyunjin hadn't noticed, was when Minho ran out the room he had grabbed a ring box. He already knew he was going to confess to Han no matter what.

"But Minho.." Han says, Minhos heart dropped. He was afraid of what his next words were going to be.

Han had teary eyes, for that reason...Minho knew something bad was coming after him. "We have to be away from each other..for a while." Han says looking at Minho with the most purest eyes.

"I still can't risk going outside until everything is settled down...I don't know how long I have to be hidden." Han continues on, Minho is relieved that it isn't anything worse.

Minho smiles "I will wait however long that takes. I've waited 17532 hours for you, I can wait however long..only because it's you."

Han gives him an upside down smile and hugs him again. They both don't want to let go, the feeling of each other brings them comfort...their home again.

With Seungmin (Right when Chan left the bathroom.)

Seungmin POV:

I fall to the if I was in a movie. It felt like i was in the movie, my ex coming back asking for me? Yeah that is weird.

I start crying, I don't even know why. He was trying to talk while I was being rude, but he deserved it right? I'm not in the wrong, or I'm I? I wanted him to feel how I felt. Ignored.

I continue to cry, but I finally get up I go to the sink and wash my face.

I tell myself "what is wrong with you?" I don't know what I'm doing. Being hung up on a person who ghosted me for 2 years?

Yet why do I still miss all the memories, all our moments together. I can't look stupid in front of people. I can't go back...if I do it'll make me look like an idiot and make me seem like less of a person.

I push those thoughts aside and continue partying until the next morning.

I woke up in cold sweat, I was hungover from last my head was going to explode. I don't remember a single thing from last night.

All I remember is Chan. And his eyes looking at me with tears filling up. I felt bad, but I knew I was going to forget about it eventually.

He wasn't going to pursue me anymore, it was probably a one time thing for him to see how stupid I would've been if I would took him back.

Why I'm I even still thinking about it? I should not have a single thought about him anymore.

I went on with my morning, I had a glass of water and laid down. Until I heard a knock on my door, I went to go answer it.. the sun made my head start pounding even more.

All I see is Lee Minho standing right outside my door.

"Minho?" I say while covering one eye and squinting the other.

"Seungmin, can we talk?" He says in a concerning tone, I was confused why he showed up.

He didn't tell me he was going to come over, I mean I invited him to my party, I always do but he never why now?

"Yeah sure come's a bit of a mess" I say to him while scratching my hair

He sees all the mess in my home, it really isn't as bad though.

He sits down on my couch and silence fills the room. "I know Chan came over." He blurts out, I gave him a confused does he know?


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