07 : "Bal I'm Sorry"

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"Bal, I'm sorry." Kathryn sighed apologizing for what seems like the hundredth time to Daniel, who kept telling her to stop.

"You don't have to apologize. I know you and Miles needed some time to spend together before you leave." Daniel said hoping to stop the girl from apologizing to him again. She felt bad for not helping him pack and for being rude on the phone, but he wasn't mad at her. He ended the call because he didn't want to hear Kathryn say 'no' again, especially after her tone changed.

"Yes, thank you." Kathryn said quietly squeezing Daniel's arm as they passed through the airport where many people were watching them.

Through a watcher's eye, you would see a very sweet couple. Kathryn being clingy to Daniel, afraid and shy of the paparazzi and the people. Daniel being protective, uses his body to shield Kathryn from any harm that could happen to her. The couple's whispers and sly smiles make whoever sees them feel as if they are both in-love with each other. They're wrong, Daniel thought to himself. Here he was with Kathryn, and he felt like he was losing her little by little.


"Are both of you excited?" Mommy Min asked the couple who looked very closed off in the corner.

"We're both very tired, Ma." Kathryn replied to her mother. She was currently playing bejeweled on her iPad while Daniel was resting his head on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Mommy Min asked to her daughter who was frustrated at her game because she kept losing.

"Yes, I'm okay. We're okay. Everything is okay." Kathryn answered, hoping that it was enough for her mom. That was her answer most of these days when people asked the dreaded 'are you okay?' question.

She was irritated that people kept asking her if she was okay, it was obvious she was different. Kathryn wondered if Daniel noticed any change in her, as she did with him. She noticed that he was more caring and loving than before, he was making up for all the hurt he caused. It's not enough, she thought to herself.

Daniel adjusted his position on her shoulder and looked down at Kathryn's game. He knew that when she said they were okay, she was lying. Kathryn was different since the scandal and he didn't know if they were ever going to be okay.

"Kath?" Daniel whispered up to the irritated girl hoping to calm her nerves.

"What?" Kathryn snapped at him before realizing that her tone wasn't pleasant. She took a deep breath and looked down at the boy. She saw Daniel's hurt expression and she felt pain in her chest for causing it.

"I'm sorry, bal. I can't tell you how much I'm sorry." Daniel apologized to Kathryn who was still staring at him,

"Why are you apologizing? I'm the one who yelled at you?" Kathryn asked to her love team.

"You're still hurt with everything." Daniel replied looking up at the tired girl. Kathryn placed her iPad to the chair beside her and faced Daniel once again.

"We have to stop apologizing." Kathryn stated annoyed that the boy kept on bringing the issue up.

"I will stop when you finally forgive me."

"I forgave you a long time ago!"

"I mean when you really forgive me, Kathryn!" Daniel yelled straightening up his posture so that he wasn't laying down on Kathryn anymore.

"Are you serious?" Kathryn asked the angry boy who was yelling at her.

Mommy Min was intently watching the two having the heated conversation. She didn't want to interrupt or intrude because she knew that they both needed this conversation to happen. She was just worried because even though they were at a private lounge, it was still a public place where workers with cameras or phones can record this conversation.

"I am serious! You never forgave me and you're still angry at me! You're different and cold to me! You're never going to let this go and you're never going to give me another chance!" Daniel bursted out with anger spitting out fire with his words.

"How can I let anything go when every single action you do irritates me? You betrayed me, Daniel! I do forgive you for making a mistake, but I'll never forgive you for lying! You said that I was the only one for you. You lied!" Kathryn screamed back and now the arguing couple was up from the chair and glaring at each other.

"I don't know why you're so angry! You're not my girlfriend, Kathryn. I had the right to like someone else! Don't be selfish." Daniel uttered, but from the moment he said those words he regretted it.


Kathryn slapped Daniel hard in the face, and she didn't do it like she would on tv or while taping a movie. There was no gentleness in her hand and it fell heavy on his face.

"You're right! I'm not your girlfriend. I don't know why I'm reacting this way. We can never be together! I keep forgetting," Kathryn sadly laughter to herself before continuing, "Maybe it's because I love you and you said you loved me too, but I guess now I know you're a liar."

Daniel's face still stung from Kathryn's hand, but hearing Kathryn's words was more painful. She was on the verge of crying, and he can tell she was trying to hold it to look strong. He hurt her.

"Kath, I love you. You know that! It was just the anger talking and I love you so mu-"

"I'm really sorry, bal. I'm sorry." Kathryn apologized and turned towards the other direction and walked away.

Mommy Min was witnessing this unfold in front of her eyes and it broke her heart to pieces. She wasn't watching KathNiel on tv this time doing a sad scene for a show or a movie, she was watching them fighting and letting go of each other in real life. They weren't Gino and Mikay or Chichay and Joaqin, they were Kathryn and Daniel.

Daniel looked at Mommy Min in the eyes and cried. He was so broken at this point that he was hopeless. He wanted to come after her and beg for her love and forgiveness. He didn't know where to go now, he didn't want to go home or anywhere at all, but be with her.

Where do broken hearts go?

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