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"Why does my heart go on beating! Why do these eyes of mine cry?"

I heard her lovely voice singing from my bedroom as she ironed my garments.

"Don't they know it's the end of the world?" To compare her voice to anything under the sun would be a sin. It was feminine yet confident. Angelic perhaps. I watched her from the doorway. She hadn't noticed me, it was refreshing watching her.

She had beautiful brown skin, jet black-sister locs that fell right below her breast, they sat up in a half up half down style. Her curves were set perfectly. Full lips that were a combination of her chocolate complexion and salmon pink. She had on a hideous forest green cargo skirt and a mustard yellow blouse. I could safely assume fashion is not her hidden talent. But Juniper was nothing less than beautiful.

I cleared my throat, out of habit. She was startled as a result.

"Mr. Clementine." She acknowledged my presence without remorse, and continued ironing, this time without singing- unfortunate.

"Do you usually sing while working?" I questioned with all sincerity but my tone made it sound like I was being ironic.

"It's a habit, sir. I didn't mean to interfere with your work." She looked up at me with her big doll black eyes.

"It did." I replied harshly. I didn't mean to. She seems like a sweet girl, although stubborn. I didn't mean to be so rough. I turned to leave but her gentle voice made its way to my ears.

"I didn't mean to be so imprudent."

Silence was my response. I walked down the hall and into my chamber. I threw the wait of my sin- my walking cane- to the side and plunged myself into my bed, I had not slept the night before. Images of Sarah invaded my headspace and not even the liquor could shake her off.

My eyelids felt heavy and so did the rest of my body.

A couple of gentle knocks on the door startled me awake. "Come in!" I ordered, sluggishly moving my arms trying to find my shirt, I managed to get it off somehow.

Juniper opened one of the two doors to the room but didn't step in. Her eyes lingered on my chest. For my new home assistant to see me topless wasn't at the top of my to do list for today. Even though there was nothing to look at- beside my small dad belly and chest hair- her eyes were big as if she hadn't seen a shirtless man before.

"What is it?" I blurted out, putting my pullover back on.

"You haven't eaten. I made a salad with nuts, is that alright?" she spoke.

"How long was I asleep for?" My voice was low and raspy from sleep.

"Three hours."

I rubbed my face, scratching my beard in the process. She hesitated while taking a couple of steps forward, kneeling down she picked up the walking stick.

"Has anyone called?" I grabbed the walking stick out of her hands and got on my feet.

She shook her head 'no.'

We made our way down to the dining table and she placed a decently sized bowl of salad in front of me. Something wasn't right-

"What if I was allergic to nuts, Ms Dun?" I interrogated, slightly lifting an eyebrow.

"You're not. Why else would they be in the cabinets?" She rolled her eyes. Was that one of her habits too?

"Throw this out. I'm not in the mood for healthy greens." I could see the shock on her face. I know everyone thinks I'm a jerk and an ogre, but I like things done a certain way and refuse to let people think I accept incompetence, inconsistency or anything else in between.

"Why would I throw out a perfectly good salad?" She exclaimed.

"Because I said so. You didn't ask me what I wanted to enjoy this afternoon. You simply made a salad assuming I would eat it. I don't want a salad." It had been a while since I'd eaten a salad like this, with nuts; Sarah made them for me all the time. She used to say they would make me grow- As if I was a little boy.

"Okay." Juniper took a big breath in and sighed out heavily.

"Am I annoying you? You are welcome to leave any time. After all, I did ask Selena for a young man." Her Big doll eyes stayed on mine for a while, she looked at me like a puzzle to be solved.

"I-" she stopped herself and let out another deep sigh.

"Would you like me to leave?" Her question was not what I was expecting. I wanted an apology.

"Yes, but I told Selena I would give you a chance, so make me something else and throw this away." Her eyes looked up to the heavens and her lips muttered something. Was she praying? Was she asking God to give her strength to defeat this giant? Was I the giant?

She did as I commanded, well not quite. She made me a new meal but didn't throw the salad away. She sat across from me at the dining table, enjoying the salad. I suspected she would do whatever she wanted.

"Can I ask you something?" That childish smile returned to her lips.

"No." I responded.

"Why is your home decorated so beautifully except for your kitchen?" I'm sick of her, she must go. What was Selena thinking bringing her? Out of all the women and men in this town she brought this mulish girl.

I looked up from my plate of food. "I want it like that." And why is it that I answered her questions instead of reprimanding her for stepping out of line?

"It looks bad."

"You are so easy with your words, young lady."

"It doesn't match the rest of the house." She insisted.

"Your shirt doesn't match your skirt, but you don't hear me complaining." I spoke my mind, and she laughed. I didn't want her to laugh, I wanted her to hurt, to be offended, to leave.


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