Falling for a friend

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Ever since their talk book felt more comfortable talking to pricetag. The two of them would spend there free time playing playing goinky's and dragon, trading figures and discussing ancient ruins (which was her personal favorite since she had multiple chapters dedicated to the subject).

Book thinking "this is great, price tag is the best friend I've ever had, they're so much fun to hang out with, I can talk to them for hours, and their so beautiful" book immediately stopped mid thought.

Book was confused, why would "beautiful" cross her mind when thinking about pricetag? They were great but where did that thought come from? She thought about as she knocked into pin knocking them both down. "Wa-tch wh-ere you a-re go-ing" pin stated "sorry" said book "um, I know we're not that close but you were helpful with taco and I can't go to pricetag with this, can I ask you something?" "Gl-ad to kn-ow I'm yo-ur la-st res-ort but go ah-ead" replied pin. "I've been spending a lot of time with pricetag and I like them a lot, and just now when I was thinking of them i described them as beautiful. What should I do? What do you think I mean? Is it wrong that I think of them like that? Could this ruin our friendship?" Book kept asking questions as she continued to spiral until pin slapped her "OW!" "I thi-nk you have a cr-ush on the-m and yo-u're ov-erth-ink-ing it, ju-st tell th-em how you fe-el." Pin stated calmly. "What if they don't feel the same way and it ruins our friendship?" Book asked "if th-ey don't fe-el the sa-me way th-ey'll te-ll you and you can
mo-ve on" pin replied "what if they do feel the same way?" book asked "th-an ma-ybe it will ma-ke thi-ngs ev-en bet-ter." pin suggested smiling warmly. Pin and book smiled at each other the two started walking away, "oh by the way you shouldn't slap people when there panicking, it doesn't help" book added "ju-st go ta-lk to price-tag." Pin said unamused.

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