Chapter 12

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(Louis's POV) 

Yesterday was great I mean I got to spend time with Harry and his kids and be with his best friends of course I wasn't expecting the kids to tell me that Harry and Niall went to school with us but it makes sense I mean when we first met I did think he looked familiar but now I know why and yeah I do remember seeing them walking the halls talking to each other and I did kinda think Harry was cute and I did kinda have a small crush on him 

But I never did anything because I knew Harry didn't feel the same way I know for sure that just like everyone else he was scared of me and why wouldn't he I kept getting into fights and doing bad things but I've changed I'm a better person now and spending time with Harry has made all those old feelings resurface and even though he has kids now and that their not mine and judging by the fact I never see another man with them it's obvious that the dad is not in the picture which I can't understand why they are good kids and I would love for them to see me as a father figure 

Anyways I was on my way to Harry's house and when i arrived I got out of the car and knocked Harry opened the door "oh hi Louis I didn't know you were coming the kids are with Niall but I have to go to work" he says closing the door and locking it "um I can drive you if you want" I say "you don't have to do that" he says "please I am offering" I say and he nods his head "ok" he says and we walk to my car and I open the door for him "thank you" he say "ok where to" I ask and he gives me directions 

When we pull up to the building I was surprised at how big it is "wow you work here" I ask "yeah I'm a model" he says "really I can see why I mean you have the looks" I say and he looks down blushing "thanks well I got to get in there you can pick me up in 30 minutes" he says stepping out of the car "oh I'm fine just waiting in the car for 30 minutes" I tell him "are you sure won't you be bored" he asks confused "well I have the radio and my phone so I think I'll survive" I joke "well ok if your sure" he says and closes the door and walks inside the building 

After I see him walk through the door I pull out my phone and search him on google tons of pictures popped up and I was shocked he looked amazing in every outfit and when I search if he as the most popular model it confirmed that everything Harry wore everybody wanted so Harry must be making so pretty good money to be honest I never thought Harry would become a model but now that I know he is I want to buy him the most sexiest clothes and have him do a fashion show for me 

"Ok that's enough brain" I say to myself "ok but I do like him but what if he doesn't like me back what if he stills think o do the stuff I did in high school and he uses that as a way to not get in a relationship with me or worse not let me see the kids anymore" I say panicking "ok calm down the kids aren't yours so if Harry doesn't want you to see them that's his right since he's their parent and all but wait what if me and Harry do start a relationship and the kids dad suddenly wants to be back in the kids lives" I say beginning to freak myself out again 

"No no calm down I'm sure if that happens me and Harry will be able to work through it" I tell myself taking long calm breaths 30 minutes honestly felt like a life time of waiting I listened to the radio a bit but that got boring so I went back on my phone and played angry birds just then the car door opens again and Harry steps back in "I never thought waiting for 30 minutes meant waiting forever" I joke "shut up" he says laughing hit my arm "I told you to go do something while I did but you made it clear you would be fine waiting" he says 

"So where do you want to go now" I ask well Niall tested me right when I was leaving that the twins want to stay the night so I don't really have anything planned" he says "but wait shouldn't you go home and pack the kids sleepover bags" I ask confused "oh Niall knows where I hid my spare key so" he says shrugging "ok well since your afternoon and night cleared maybe you'd possibly be up to going on a date with me" I say "what really you Louis Tomlinson boy who always got in trouble at school what to go out with me Harry styles the nerd with one friend" harry says jokingly 

I smile "well yeah I mean if you want to of course" I say "well sure but we aren't exactly where anything first date worthy" he says looking at our clothes "well I think it's fine besides we don't have to go anywhere romantic or expensive we can do whatever we want for the date we can just go where the night takes us" I say and he laughs "who knew you were such a talker well I'll look up the movie theatre movies and times and see if there's anything fun to watch" he says pulling out his phone and typing on it 

"Oh their's a movie movie that looks funny playing at 4:00" Harry says "ok well we are going to see a movie now should we buy snacks there or go to the store and buy snacks then hide them in our coats because just between us snuggled snacks are way better" I say and he laughs "guess some habits don't go away huh" he says "nope" I say we pull into the parking lot and go into the dollar store and start picking out candy's finally we have enough pay and go back to the car 

"Wait but how do we hide all of these in our coats without them melting or being to obvious" harry asks "well you have that bag" I say pointing to the bag "oh yeah I put my clothes in it so people don't accidentally take my clothes we all do it" he says "and that's how we are going to get the candy into the movie" I say as I start driving to the theatre "I feel kinda naughty doing this sneaking candy into the movies instead of just buying some" he says "that's the fun of it you just pay for the movie, popcorn, and drink and then eat free candy through out the movie" I say smiling at him 

Awe get to the movies and get our popcorn and drinks and and find the number of theatre we are in and seat down there are a few other people already here but we just sit and munch on the popcorn and drink our drinks soon the lights turn of and the movie begins playing we pull out the snake from Harry's bag a start eating those we laugh though out the entire movie and I honestly can't remember the last time I've had this much fun on a date the movie finishes and we walk outside still giggling from remembering the funniest parts of the movie we get in the car and we look deep into each other eyes for a little bit

"Thank you Louis this was lovely I haven't been able to do these kinds of things since the twins were born back when I was 17" he says "wait 17 that means you got pregnant in high school why hadn't I ever noticed" I asked curious "well I Niall was bugging me about about going to this club  and I had one to many to drink and hooked up with this random guy and we went to one of the back rooms and you know did the dirty and 9 mouths later there were the twins" he says and I start getting flashbacks to that night 

"I was at a club to and had sex with someone in a back room but I left because the guy looked a little young and I was worried cause if I took his virginity" I say "what club did you go to" he asks and I tell him "that's the club I was at also what day did you go" and it turns out we were at the same club on the same day it has to be a coincidence right "this seems like a very weird coincidence if you ask me" harry says "yeah wait how old are they" I ask "they are 3 years old" he says and suddenly both of us start to realize "we were both at the same club on the same day both hookup in a back room and the twins are 3 years old not to mention they both have blue eyes and now that I think about it you and Freddie have a lot of similarities" Harry says 

Harry: but that means-

Louis: we had- 

Both harry and Louis: so the twins are "yours" "mine" 

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