Oh professor!

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The next morning ...

"Im exhausted."

"I'm buying coffee. Do you drink coffee?"

"3 shots."

"Of espresso?..."


Y/n's friend put the card she snagged off of her desk into her pockets.

"Did you sleep at all???"

"I got up early to audition for a play."
Y/n groaned rubbing her face aggressively.

She wrinkled her nose .
Bethany. Y/n's close friend , active, reliable, wanted to go pro. she was probably hit on over 30 times by several different women at their university . She was a ginger with short hair, around 5'8 and seemed to be shirtless whenever y/n would see her. Or in a hurry.

"You're such a theater geek."

"Mhm. Where's your shirt."

"I was out...practicing."

"Shirt. then coffee."

"Gotta be quick. There's a new professor."

"Ah no..."
Y/n groaned.

"I heard he's strict too."

"The world hates me."

As they walked towards the class room,  she thought of every case scenario.

It was probably one of those professors from the school over. The one where they banned theater. Who bans theater in an art school???

"I don't think you'd be able to live without musicals."

Y/n went to grab the cup, but flinched at the temperature.

"Did he really ban them?"

"actually this is a complete stranger ."

"Oh their New?"

Before they could finish the conversation.
They noticed how dim the class had became, the students were drawing almost all of their attention to the front of the room.

In walked a woman!...
Not just any woman. But the schools Grand announcer. That was strange. Because she Usually only showed her face during their important announcements and documentation.

"I'm sure you are all perplexed to see me. I am too. Listen well. We have made a decision that Harrington gifted school of arts' typically wouldn't make. We have given the blessed opportunity of a lifetime to someone with a ba—- not so good....reputation. Unfortunately we have run short on people willing to take this class. You shall treat them as you would treat any other professors. You guys know well, that we strictly uphold a reputation, and are strict about our image. Due to our 'unfortunate program', we have given people with tough backgrounds a chance at this school to start over...and to be more inclusive... and because I'd rather not fill in for this position.."

Of course she'd say that.

"Now. Mr. Parsons you can take it away from here."

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