4. My Oh My

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Oscar POV

I'm literally sprinting to my garage. I got so caught up with Logan that I forgot about the team meeting this morning. Usually, I'm at least ten minutes early but fuck I was going to be late today, if Lando hadn't reminded me I probably would've missed it entirely.

I made it. Two fucking minutes before we start but I made it.

"Oscar what the fuck!" Lando runs up to me wanting me to explain why I was late.

"Gimme a sec, let me breathe Lando!" I wheeze.

"I literally ran two and a half miles like a maniac trying to make it. I was even chased by a godamn dog half of the way here!" Lando looks at me and rolls his eyes. He's such a drama queen.

"Well, Oscar Jack Piastri? What do you have to say for yourself young man?" What the actual hell was Lando going on about.

"That's rich coming from you! You ditched me yesterday, I had to go home with Logan!" I whisper yell back. He obviously wanted to play the blame game.

"Oh, my bad I was with Carlos." God, I wanted to gag, if Lando was a girl he would be twirling his hair and kicking his feet. He was so in love with his old Spanish teammate.

"Anyway, stop changing the subject! Why are you so late?" Immediately I turn red. I can't tell him that I was late because I was sucking off my best friend.  

"OOOOOOHH! You're blushing Osc! What happened last night? Who's got you blushing and running late to meetings!" Lando squeals happily prodding me for more answers as we enter where our meeting will be taking place.

"Oh shit Oscar, is that a hicky I see!" I smack Lando gently trying to get him to shut up. I completely forgot that Logan left severally hickys. Thank goodness that the bigger ones weren't visible.

My phone lets out a loud sound telling me that I had gotten a notification, I couldn't care less but all it did was add more fuel to Lando's curiosity.

"Eeep! Is that the person!" He looks like he's going to bounce off the walls with excitement. I take a risk and check who it was. Shocker it was Logan.

"Aw bummer it's just Logan." Lando looks a little disappointed but unfortunately, he is smart when he wants to be and starts putting the pieces together.

"Wait... Oscar, didn't you say that you went home with Logan last night? And now that I'm looking at you that's not your sweatshirt." Lando whispers yells, giving me a cheeky smile.

If there was a moment in my life where I wanted to go poof and disappear this would be it. I slouch in my seat next to Lando who looks like he's going to explode with questions. Thankfully Zach walks in with a couple mechanics and starts the meeting.

I try my best to stay focused, but my curiosity gets the best of me, I really wanted to know what logan had texted me. I make sure to unlock my phone when Landos talking that way he's distracted.

Lo 🦅

Lo🦅: Hey cutie just wanted to tell you that you grabbed the wrong sweater and underwear. Good luck in your meeting don't let me distract you ;)

*Message read*

I can feel my face turning red as I read his message. I regret opening his message, and to add to my shit luck Lando had looked over and seen Logans message. Smiling ear to ear Lando pokes me.

"You're a cheeky one aren't ya." He whispers in my ear before going back to paying attention to Zach. What a cunt.

Finally my meeting comes to an end. I try to be the first one out that way Lando can't bother me. I should know it was hopeless though.

"Osca let me give you a ride back yeh?" Lando asks me popping out of no where. I weigh my options I really didn't want to talk about it, but I didn't want to be chased my a dog again. Lando it is.


"Soooooo you were with Logan this morning?" Great Lando has started his interrogation. I try to shrink into the passenger seat.

"Oh come on Oscar, pleaseeeee I promise I won't say anything. Pretty please." He looks over at me not paying attention the road. Oh my god I  should have picked the dog.

"Fine, what do you want to know." I just wanted Lan to focus on the road and not kill me.

"Eeeep! Did you really leave your underwear at Logan's?" I turn so many shades of red.

"No...I took his." I can already hear Landos internal monologue. Could this ride be any longer.

"Omg! They fit? I thought he'd be packing more as an American." I love Lando but I wanted ti kill myself. He pokes me trying to get another answer out of me. I let out a sigh he's so annoying.

"They're a bit big on me" I let out defeated. I can't handle the shame of this conversation. Lando snickers like the evil little goblin he is.

"Well we are here Oscar. Remember to use protection!" He has to yell at me as I step out of his car. A few passerby's look in my direction. I hate him so much right now.

I slam the door and walk into the hotel. I remember that I don't actually have my room key so I head to Lo's room instead. Could I have asked the front desk? Yes. Did I want an excuse to see Logan, yes.


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