7. Rush

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Logan pov
I pull up to the airport it wasn't that long of a drive. Turing the car off I walk to the trunk, getting both of our luggage out before going to Oscar's door to help him out.

"You don't have to take my stuff too." I look up at Osc who's empty handed.

"And why should we want that?" I smirk. Oscar is just following me to our gate unsure of what to do. He follows me to our gate like a lost puppy.

"Hey Lo are we flying private?" He pulls on my sleeve waiting for my reply.

"No, but we are flying first. Come on this way our flight is set to leave." I take his hand shifting what I was carrying into my right hand. He gladly accepts my hand as we continue to walk to our destination.

It was a simple process allowing us to board quickly. We make ourselves comfortable for our fourteen hour flight.

"I'm going to order something before I take a nap, you want anything Lo?" Oscar ask as he's glancing over the menu. I wanted to tell him that he's  what I wanted but I don't know, he's probably not gay like that. I look intensely at his figure. He's a specimen of a man.

"Uh Logan, are you ok?" He turns to look at me, catching me staring.

"Yea imma take a nap." I turn to face away from him not wanting to make this flight awkward.

"Oh ok, sweet dreams then." I let out a hum in response as I pull out my headphones tying to block out my thoughts.

I finally wake up about twelve hours into the flight with Oscar asleep on my shoulder. Damnit I have to pee.

Slowly I shimmy out from under his head trying to keep Osc from walking up. After a few minutes of trying I successfully manage to escape my seat and go to the restroom.

I relive myself and head back to my seat hopping Oscar didn't walk up while I was gone. Out of the corner of my eye I see a flash go off. I was used to the cameras but I know I look like shit right now. I ignore it, pressing forward towards my seat where I see a couple girls surrounding a fast asleep Oscar.

"Excuse me." I shove them out of my way in a professional manner and cover my best friend with a blanket not allowing them to take any more pictures causing them to sit down.

"What the heck?" I turn to look at Oscar who's trying to get the blanket off his head.

"Oh sorry man let me help you." I pull the blanket off his head revealing his crazy hair. I let out a little laugh, as I admire how cute he looks.

"Are we almost there" Osc asks me completely disregarding how he looks.

"Uh, we have about an hour left, give or take." I place my hand on his head and shake his hair out helping it fall back into place.

"Thanks mate." I smile in response, excited for what was to come. I was almost home. Suddenly we hit with some turbulence causing Oscar to grasp my hand.

I look over at him but he refuses to meet my eyes, only keeping a firm grip on my hand. I take it as a sign and intertwine our hands hoping to give Osc some sort of comfort.

We hear an announcement over the P.A. letting us know that it was nothing to worry about and that we would be landing soon.

I look at Oscar who's still avoiding my gaze. I try to let go of his hand but he doesn't let me. I give up and allow him to hold my hand for the rest of the flight. I end up nodding off for a bit until I'm shaken awake.

"Lo, we're here, come on get up." Osc shakes me once more before I groggily take his hand and follow him off the plane.

As soon as we step off I'm literally flash-banged awake by bright cameras. I groan and pull my hoodie over my eyes trying to shield myself.

"This way Lo." Oscar proceeds to act quickly and drags me to our car. Shutting the door he tells the driver to drive.

I look at him and then down at our hands. Osc catches this motion and proceeds to let go.

"So, where we headed. And are there going to be more photographers?" Oscar looks stressed. This is the last thing I wanted to happen.

"Don't worry too much sweetheart, we are going to be in a very private and secluded area." I give him a wink calming him a bit.

"I hope so."


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