Chapter - 11

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The next day was bright but carried an air of anticipation for Taesan, who was preparing for Yura's birthday party. Despite his initial reluctance, he had committed to attending, and now it was a matter of honoring that promise. As he dressed, he wondered if Sungho would show up, especially after the tension from the previous days. The uncertainty added a layer of unease to what should have been a straightforward social event.

Taesan adjusted his outfit in the mirror, trying to shake off the apprehension. His thoughts drifted to Sungho, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity mixed with concern. The possibility of encountering Sungho at the party loomed large in his mind, and he found himself hoping for a chance to clear the air between them, even if just a little.

Meanwhile, Sungho was sprawled out on his bed, wrestling with his own decision. He had resolved not to attend the party, feeling it would be too painful and awkward given the current state of things. However, his resolve was tested when the doorbell rang. Reluctantly, he got up to answer it, his heart sinking when he saw Riwoo and Jaehyun standing on his doorstep.

Jaehyun looked at Sungho with a mix of concern and determination. "Bro, you're not ready yet? The party's about to start."

Sungho shook his head, his tone resigned. "I'm not going. I don't feel like it."

Riwoo, ever the mediator, stepped in with a persuasive grin. "Come on, Sungho. We came all this way to pick you up. You've got to come with us now. It'll be fun, and maybe it'll help you get your mind off things."

Sungho sighed deeply, recognizing that there was no convincing them otherwise. "Alright, alright. Give me a few minutes."

He retreated to his room to get dressed, feeling a mix of frustration and acceptance. As he prepared, he wondered how he would handle the party and the potential encounter with Taesan. The internal conflict was palpable, but he knew he had to face the reality of the situation.

Both Taesan and Sungho were heading into the party with their own anxieties, each hoping for a resolution but uncertain about how the night would unfold.

As Taesan and Leehan arrived at the party, they were immediately greeted by Yura, who seemed genuinely excited to see them.

"Hey, welcome!" Yura beamed as she approached them.

"Happy birthday," Taesan said with a polite smile, and Leehan echoed the sentiment. Yura's smile widened, clearly pleased with their presence, and she gestured for them to come inside.

Her place was spacious and had a warm, inviting atmosphere, with a few other guests mingling around. Taesan took in the surroundings, noticing the cozy decor and the light chatter filling the room. He felt slightly out of place, but he was determined to make the best of the situation.

Not long after, Sungho, Jaehyun, and Riwoo arrived at the party. They spotted Leehan and Taesan almost immediately and made their way over to them. As they approached, Sungho's eyes quickly found Taesan. For a moment, he was caught off guard by how good Taesan looked tonight. The sight of him, standing there looking around with a calm expression, only deepened the swirl of emotions that Sungho had been trying to push down.

Taesan, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to Sungho's presence at first. He was still scanning the room, perhaps looking for a familiar face to focus on or just trying to ease the slight tension he felt being at the party. But when Sungho finally got close enough, Taesan's gaze briefly met his. It was a fleeting moment, but enough for Sungho to feel his heart race slightly.

The group gathered together, but there was an unspoken tension between Taesan and Sungho, an awkwardness that neither knew how to break. Leehan noticed the dynamic and tried to keep the conversation flowing, chatting with Jaehyun and Riwoo, but his eyes occasionally darted to Taesan and Sungho, as if hoping for some sign of reconciliation.

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