Chapter - 08

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Taesan hadn't slept at all. He spent the entire night replaying the events over and over in his mind, every moment of awkwardness and regret gnawing at him until it was unbearable. As the early morning light crept into his room, he lay on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, his heart heavy with the fear that he'd ruined everything with Sungho.

His phone suddenly buzzed, breaking the heavy silence. The screen lit up with Jaehyun's name, making Taesan's stomach tighten. He hesitated for a moment, considering whether he should ignore it, but eventually sighed and picked up the call.

"Hello?" Taesan's voice was flat, lacking its usual energy."Hey, Taesan! Are you okay? You sound... different," Jaehyun's cheerful voice held a hint of concern. "Your voice doesn't sound too good." "I'm okay," Taesan lied, trying to force some life into his voice. "I just woke up, that's all."

"Ah, got it," Jaehyun said, his tone lightening up. "Anyway, don't forget we're starting our practice for the music event today. I know how much you love music, so I thought I'd remind you. Wouldn't want you to miss out."

Taesan's first instinct was to skip today. The last thing he wanted was to face Sungho after what happened. But the excitement in Jaehyun's voice and the fact that he'd gone out of his way to invite him made it hard for Taesan to say no.

"Yeah, I'll be there," Taesan said quietly, trying to sound more upbeat than he felt. "Great! See you later then!" Jaehyun said before hanging up.

Taesan sighed deeply, dragging himself out of bed. He couldn't shake the dread gnawing at him, but he knew he couldn't avoid Sungho forever. Maybe being around everyone else would make things less awkward. At least, he hoped it would.

As he got ready for the day, Taesan's mind remained clouded with anxiety. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of atmosphere would greet him when he arrived at practice. Would Sungho act distant? Would things ever go back to normal between them? With those thoughts swirling in his head, Taesan grabbed his things and headed out, bracing himself for whatever the day would bring.

As Taesan made his way to the classroom, he couldn't shake the heaviness in his chest. Every step felt heavier than usual, his mind still swirling with regret and uncertainty about how he'd face Sungho. His usually confident stride was replaced by a slower, almost dragging pace, his eyes fixed on the ground.

"Hey, Taesan!" A familiar voice cut through his thoughts as he felt a hand gently placed on his shoulder. He looked up to see Leehan smiling at him. "Good morning!" Leehan greeted, his usual cheerful energy evident in his voice. Taesan forced a small nod in response, but his lack of enthusiasm didn't go unnoticed. Leehan's smile faded slightly as he observed his friend more closely. There was a dullness in Taesan's eyes, something he wasn't used to seeing.

"Are you okay?" Leehan asked, his tone more cautious now. "Yes, I'm fine," Taesan replied, but the words came out flat and unconvincing. He tried to sound normal, but the weight of his thoughts made it difficult to fake a cheerful tone. Leehan narrowed his eyes slightly, not buying the answer. "You sure?" he asked again, concern lacing his voice. Taesan nodded again, avoiding Leehan's gaze. "I'm sure," he mumbled.

Leehan could tell something was wrong, but he also knew Taesan well enough to understand that pushing him to talk would only make him shut down further. Deciding to give Taesan some space, he didn't press the issue.

"Alright," Leehan said, though a hint of worry still lingered in his voice. "Just know that I'm here if you need to talk, okay?" Taesan gave a slight nod, grateful for Leehan's understanding but still unable to muster the energy to say more. They continued walking together, but the silence between them felt heavy. Leehan stayed by Taesan's side, silently offering his support without forcing him to explain what was on his mind.

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