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"now why is you angry?" Ricardo asked shiyo who was smiling happily.

"Ugh you and your stupid eyes that can see feelings" shiyo stopped smiled and had a annoyed face "hey at least is useful for missions and shit like that" Ricardo complained back.

"Eyes that can see feelings?" Sakura asked confused.

Team seven had invited team one to eat after the death forest to thank them for helping them (which they really didn't do but at least they healed them) shogo and his brothers didn't want to go but team seven wouldn't leave them alone until they accepted.

Before accepting shiyo who dyed red and styled Ricardos hair into an afro while changing the style of shogo's braids when he had finished he started to do his hair happy.

Shiyo wasn't in the mood because they interrupted him when he was cutting his hair and they made him messed it up and had it too short from the front but it was long from the back (like in the photo)

He manage to fix it but that wasn't the reason he was mad.

"Are you mad because we made you ruin your hair?" Naruto asked eating ramen.

"Nah I'm mad because these guy when we were on the forest of death said I rejected him but I don't remember doing that" Sakura and Naruto gasped while sasuke choked on his ramen.

"Eat slowly damn the food ain't going nowhere" shogo told Sasuke while handing him a napkin.

"Pendejo" shiyo laughed "what does that mean?" Sakura asked "it means dumbass in Spanish" Ricardo smiled.

"You know Spanish?" Naruto asked excited "the three of us do, shiyo made us learn it fluently while we where away for four years" shogo laughed.

"Why?" Team seven looked curious at shiyo "just in case we need to talk to each other in mission no one will understand us" shiyo smiled, it was also for when they had to talk about what was going to happen in the future.

"Oh okay can you keep explaining why you mad?" Sakura asked kindly.

"Oh yeah well they said it was the day that we met the sand siblings you know, he said he was going towards my house and he saw me, he gave me flowers and confessed" I explained drinking water "but I don't remember that and again i was with my brothers training he also said I threw the flowers" he said annoyed.

"Shiyo may be an asshole but he would keep the gifts they give him even when he don't like the people* shogo spoke as sasuke was just looking around.

"That's all" shiyo sighed.

"Hey about Ricardo's eyes can you explain more." Sasuke asked with curiosity.

"So basically they're called soul eyes, the reason why Ricardo has one purple and red eye is because of that" shiyo pointed at Ricardo eyes "with his red eyes he can see what people are feeling" 

"That's so cool!" Naruto said excited.

"Yeah yeah we need to get going though" shogo got up.

"Oh yeah we do" Ricardo and shiyo also got up "so soon?" Naruto said in a sad tone "yes we need to talk about confidential stuff you can't know about" shiyo put his finger over his lip making the silent gesture. 

Team one left leaving team seven alone "hey I wanna know what they were going to talk about" Naruto said smiling evil "what are you planning?" Sakura didn't look sure "let's spy on them!" Naruto proposed.

"No" sakura and Sasuke said at the same time.

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