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ଓ Hello!! :)
ଓ QOTD: What's your favorite type of berry? Or do you not like berries? :)
ଓ AOTD: Mia (my bsf): Raspberry! Me: None (strawberries are okay)


This is nightlock, one of the most poisonous berries out there. It will kill you immediately. That's what I have to explain to a bunch of kids. Well, and Katniss, the most stunning archer at camp, but that's beside the point.

"You ready to go, Peeta?" Annie smiles at me from across the room.

"Yup! Ready to go!" I grab my badge and bag, then head out of my cabin, following the red head.


"Alright, time for attendance!" I click my pen on my clipboard as I shout, but nobody listens. Annie's busy stopping Finnick from touching poison ivy. I motion to Scarlet for her to come over, and she does.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Could you help me take attendance? Nobody's listening. I'll just list a name and you can tell me if they're here or not."

"Oh, yeah of course! Can Charlie help?"

"Yeah, Beckendorf can help! It'll get it done faster!" I smile, relieved to have extra help.

"Great, thanks!" She turns to the Hephaestus kid and waves at him. "Charlie, can you come help me with something?!"

"Yeah, of course!" He comes up to us and wraps an arm around her shoulder. "Whatcha need?"

"Peeta needs help taking attendance. Nobody'll listen, so we just need to count them out. He's gonna read a name off, and we have to verify if they're here or not."

"Sure, sounds easy enough," he shrugs, smiling.

"Awesome. Thanks! Okay so you're here, Beckendorf's here-"

"Oh, and Mia's here, too!" She adds.

"Really? Why's she here?"

"Connor's here. He brought some kids from his cabin up, and she's been following him around. Typical Mia," she shakes her head, chuckling.

"Typical Mia," Beckendorf adds.

"Anyways, we've got Finnick and Connor, what about Mae Hastings?"

She looks around. "Mmm, she's here!"

"Avery Maryland?"

"Here," Beckendorf answers.

"Caleb Maxwell?"

"Here!" They say at the same time, which causes a fit of giggles. Which is super cheesy, by the way.

I continue listing off names and eventually the crowd is just too hard to handle. Scarlet and Beckendorf try to shout, but nobody pays attention to even them. And that's saying something.

"We need something loud!" I groan.

"I've got an idea," I hear a voice behind me. One that I recognize. I turn around and find that I'm face to face with Katniss Everdeen. She smiles, peeling a piece of hair off her face.

"O-oh, h-hey. Wh-what's your..." I swallow. "Umm... idea?"

"I've got this whistle. I used to use it back at home to call Prim to dinner."

"Oh. Really? Cool!" I say, a little too eagerly. I can feel my ears heat up. "I mean, uh, you should try it."

I can see Beckendorf and Scarlet grinning at us out of the corner of my eye. Idiots.

"Really?! Then I will!"  She smiles. She does a four-note whistle, and it's so loud that I have to cover my ears halfway through.

It works. Everybody turns to us.

I gulp. "Ummm... guys, we um..."

"Alright, guys! We need to do attendance! I'm gonna say your name, and you can say here!" Annie steps in for me. Thank the gods.

I back up and let Annie take the crowd. Then, I feel someone's arm resting on my shoulder.

"It's so obvious, Peeta. Just ask her out already!" None other than Mia Perez, camp half-blood's star charmspeak champion, and the gossip queen, is next to me, smirking.

"Go away!" I push her off my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm just-" she gets interrupted by a young, unclaimed camper tugging on her skirt.

"Come on, Mia! I asked Connor where babies come from, and he said to ask you!"

"Connor, you little-" she curses under her breath, quiet enough so the young camper can't hear. "This isn't over, loverboy," she gives me a glare and I swear I can see little sparkles of pink in her eyes.


ଓ Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed!!
ଓ Had to give me and Mia another cameo! (There will be one in every chapter btw)
ଓ Hope you enjoyed the Everlark content!

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