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Chuck had been in the Glade for three weeks now and the once shy boy was gone. Now he was loud, chatty and always pulling pranks on Gally. 

Which from the shouts and grumbles off Gally they could all tell it wasn't appreciated. 

The young boy normally found someone to rope into his pranks and they would end up getting told off by Alby instead of Chuck. Nick was usually the main person. 

It wasn't that she wanted to prank Gally but it was more because she knew Chuck needed this. He didn't really fit in since he was the youngest and since he had failed at all the other jobs he was a slopper. 

A lot of the boys were quite mean to him but regretted it once Nick found out. They respected Nick and were scared of her when she was angry. 

Chuck had gotten close to Nick, Newt and Minho as he was always around the trio but he was also close with others that didnt bully him. 

At first there was a Gathering about whether Chuck should work or not but it was decided he should. Although no one actually thought he would end up as a slopper. 

With the Cooks he had burnt a week of supplies. With the Track-hoes he had pulled out vegetables that he thought were weeds. With the Slicers he had thrown up before Winston had a chance to do anything. With the Med-Jacks he wasn't able to bandage up a cut. With the Builders he managed to hit his finger instead of the nail with a hammer.

Lastly when he was with Nick to try out as an Inventor she had tried to be as mindful and nice as she could. Chuck had managed to mess up her notes, not be able to make or think of anything, break some stuff she had been working on and chat her head off. 

That day when she came out of the Invention room she looked the worst she had ever had. Her hair was messed up as she had been pulling on it and she looked extremely annoyed, stressed and exhausted. 

Alby and Newt had to hold back laughter when her eyes widened in annoyance and stress as Chuck came out the room chatting again with a cheerful expression. 

That was the only time Chuck had annoyed her but still she did not snap at him. Except she told him that he was never allowed in the Invention room again as ‘No one is allowed in there except a few people’. 

A small lie to keep her sanity intact. 

Inside the Gathering for Chuck every Keeper immediately shot down the idea of having him so Billy had to have him. Alby was expecting that to happen when he saw how all of them looked stressed as soon as Chuck left them. 

Oscar and Jordan had also got together which was not surprising to anyone but Chuck wouldn't shut up about how happy he was for them. Alby was the first to deal with it until he sent him to Nick but she sent him off to Newt who ended up dealing with him for the rest of the day.

Nick was currently sitting in the Med-Jack hut on one of the med beds with a paper and pen in her hand. Since the Greenie would come up soon Alby had asked her to go around writing down what everyone needed when she had the chance. 

Clint was hunched over a stack of supplies going through them while Jeff checked the bandages on a Glader who had twisted his ankle. 

Her mind was in and out of the room she was thinking about the changing, a cure to be more exact. Whilst her hand subconsciously scribbled down anything Clint told her they needed. 

The thought had been on her mind for a while now but she never had a lot of time to think about it in depth as there was always something she was being needed for. 

“Hey, Nick, are you gonna space out all day or help us here?” Clint's voice snapped her back to reality.

Everyone was on edge lately, small things had been happening that were unusual to the Glade. Considering it was always the same. 

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