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Ferit likes to help. He likes to be there for others and help them in their time of need. It could be family, friends, ex-girlfriends, and even strangers. He is an inherently good person after all.

He likes to help others but he loves being needed by his wife.

My Wife calling...

He swiveled in his chair to look out the floor-to-ceiling office window overlooking Istanbul. He slid his thumb on the screen and picked up the call. 

"Yes, my love."


Ferit heard the note of urgency in her voice and sat up straighter. 

"What is it, Seyran? Where are you?"

Seyran had decided to go shopping at Zorlu Center. There was an event that she had to attend this week and she wanted some new outfits. She's outgrown her outfits these days, nothing seems to fit except her stretchy pajamas and Ferit's t-shirts. She couldn't wear either of those to a fancy ladies luncheon, could she?

"Ferit, are you free?"

Ferit heard the uncertainty in her voice replace the earlier panic. He got up and started heading for the door.

"Where are you, Seyran? What's wrong?"

Seyran bit her lip and wondered if it was something worth telling Ferit about. She had decided to spend the afternoon at Zorlu Center and brought their cocker spaniel Nagis with her. In hindsight perhaps it wasn't the best idea. The young pup was overly excited and wanter to run from one corner of the mall to another. 

Seyran had enjoyed it at first, giggling as Nagis dragged on the pink leash Seyran held as the pup sniffed everything in sight, but that had been over an hour ago. Seyran had walked so many laps around this floor and the floor below, she had even jogged to keep up with Nagis when the dog saw another canine in the mall. 

All this walking and running after Nagis caused the pregnant woman to not only become tired, but she is also in pain. It wouldn't have caused her this much trouble before she became pregnant, but nowadays physical activities can put a strain on her body. She is having pelvic pain and her feet hurt. Even sitting down didn't lessen the pains.

"Seyran? Seyran? I'm coming, just tell me where you are, my love, I'll be there."

"No, Ferit.. it's okay. Maybe I'm just being overdramatic."

"Just tell me where you are, baby, please."

Ferit felt his heart beat fast and his palms sweat, he needed to know what exactly made Seyran call him in the first place. He knew it must be related to her pregnancy because she had always been adamantly independent and self-resourceful before she was expecting. 

"I'm at Zorlu Center with Nagis.. I'm just a bit achey, that's all. You don't need to come here, Ferit."

"Zorlu Center? Okay, I'll be there in 20 minutes. Just find a place to sit and rest, my love. Can you wait 20 minutes or do you need to go to the hospital now?"

Hospital? What? 

"No! Ferit, what do you mean hospital? Nothing's wrong-"

"I don't want to take any chances-"

"I don't need to go to the hospital! Maybe I shouldn't have called you-"

"Nonsense! You must call me if you have these pains. I'll run from any meeting,  from anywhere, to get to you.. you know that right?"

Seyran can't help but become emotional. Ferit has always been caring and thoughtful. He's prioritized her in his life but to be reminded of how just how much he really cares about her wellbeing absolutely wrecks her.

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