Sweet it is

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Thank you so much for giving this story a chance! So here's another update for you. 

Note: It's unedited, so my sincere apologies to any mishaps in this chapter.


With the heat invading my room through the transparent glass windows, I've assumed the sun must have reached it's peak. Blinking my eyes, I realized the light is not as bearable as it always was. Summer is yet to approach, and why does the world outside these bland walls seems to be so glowing? Not that it matters to me, with such warmth; I know I'm about to send myself again into deep slumber, away from the rudeness and cruelty of humanity in this world, away from suffering and..


I hastily freed myself from the white duvet that embraced me all night. I had planned to get up from the bed nice and smooth, but of course, fate, being the ugly villain that it always was, denied me of my right. My left foot got entangled from the mess that was my bed, and because I have an excellent balance and coordination, I had my face landed neatly on the floor with a great impact enough to make a slight bump in my forehead. A productive way to start the day eh?

After ten minutes of successfully turning myself less like a trained ape, I quickly slipped some random shirt and faded jeans that I was able to pick from the my limited closet. I rushed towards the kitchen and sneaked a granola bar I had gotten myself few weeks ago, and get out of my humble apartment. I was about to head to the corner of my bean chair when I realized it would be pointless because my three year old skateboard isn't there anymore. Geez, I guess I have to spend another hour in detention.

Life has the sickest humour.

But of course, it can't be that bad right?

As if if on cue, a pink Honda Civic parked in front of me.

"Get your ass in here quickly!"

"Thank you Rhianna."

"Stop calling me that."

"You know you like it." I said, and sent her a playful wink. I guess I have to extend my gratitude to all the leprechauns in the world, if it wasn't for them and their rudeness during kindergarten, I'll never find myself on top of the leather glory in this baby's passenger seat.


Life is what happens when you start breaking the rules, or in my case, when you started growing a spine and began kicking ass. I had never gotten myself included in morbid acts nor have I considered drastic measures when stupid female dogs go on bitch talking about me or when there where hormonal scumbags go on surveying any possible curves in my human anatomy. When occasional cat fights happen in school cafeteria, I will always be that one pig in the farthest corner making most of my free lunch instead of chanting whoever seems winning. I can be cocky, and do myself justice sometimes whenever the situation demands for it, but I never, even once in my poor pathetic existence, even dare to start up a fight.

But of course, there will always be room for firsts, right?

Staring at the bland walls in the most boring four cornered room in Greyson High, the extreme silence had sent daggers straight to my ears, killing me softly. What sucks the most in being sent into detention room was having your phones confiscated; leaving you to face an hour of extreme torture I'd like to call "boredom". Punishments will always be according to what level of mishaps you've done within the school grounds. I've been sent here a couple of times before, given the fact that I didn't have the most perfect attendance. But the thing was, I used to have my phone back then, and I never have to do three long weeks of community service.

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